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2020年第6期  点击:[]

 喻 葵

(东华大学 旭日工商管理学院,上海 200051)

【摘 要】2020年新冠疫情暴发使得在线开放课程以前所未有的规模广泛应用,在线课程对各种属地的生源完全开放,并多采用自主学习方式,国内学界围绕学生在网络学习环境中的动机、感知等已展开相关研究,但尚未涉及中国本土学生的文化背景与在线自主学习的关系。本研究就是立足中国本土地域文化的视角,通过结构方程的建模探讨了地域文化、自主学习、感知学习对学生满意度的影响,创新之处在于引入了中国地域文化变量,研究样本来自2018年某大学的17门大规模在线开放课程(以下简称“MOOC”)的学习者。结构方程显示,地域文化对感知学习产生影响,自主学习对感知学习也产生影响,自主学习和感知学习同时对学生满意度产生影响。与其他文化群体相比,自述为西南山地文化的样本能更好地构建在线学习环境,具备更强的学习感知。


Research on Self-guided Learning of MOOC from the Perspective of Regional Culture 

YU Kui

(Glorious Sun School of Business and Management, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China)

Abstract:The outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 has resulted the unprecedentedly rapid development of online open courses. Domesticacademic circles have been shed light on students’ motivation and perception of online learning. However, the relationship between learners’ regional culture and self-guided online learning has not been involved. Based on the perspective of Chinese regional culture, this study is aimed to explore the relationship between MOOC learners’ cross-regional culture, self-guided learning, perceptual learning and satisfactory. The sample was drawn from 17 MOOCs in a university in 2018. The structural equation model shows that regional culture effectively affects the environment constructing and the perceptual learning. Self-guided learning affects the perceptual learning, self-guided learning and perceptual learning make an impact on satisfactory. It is shown that samples claimed southwest mountain culture are better in environment constructing and perception learning.

Keywords:MOOC; self-guided learning; perceptual learning; satisfaction; regional culture

下载:  地域文化视角下MOOC自主学习影响因素研究.pdf

