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2018年第6期  点击:[]

谭 璐

(加利福尼亚州州立大学蒙特利湾分校 数学统计系,美国 马里那 CA 93933 )

【摘 要】尽管非学历教育的重要性已被教育专家肯定,但目前我国还没有对非学历教育与个人收入的关系进行过实证研究,非学历教育对于个人的实际价值也还未被大众充分认知。本文基于2014年北京大学中国社会科学调查中心的中国家庭追踪调查数据,对在职人员参与非学历教育的收益率进行了分析。本文通过扩展后的明瑟收入模型,发现非学历教育可以显著增加个体的收入。此外,根据不同社会群体分样本分析,研究发现非学历教育收益率的差异:未签订劳动合同的人员比签合同的人员 要高,女性比男性要高,体制外企业员工比体制内员工要高,非农业户口群体比农业户口要高。最后,针对非学历教育对于收益率影响的实际差异,提出对策思路和建议。


Empirical Study of the Relation between Non-degree Education and Income in China


(Mathematics and Statistics Department, California State University-Monterey Bay, Marina CA 93933, USA)

Abstract: Although the importance of non-degree education has been acknowledged by experts, existing research in China has not examined the relation between non-degree education and individual income, and the public has not been fully aware of the value of non-degree education. Based on the survey data of China Family Panel Studies (CFPS) in 2014 by Institute of Social Science Survey (ISSS) in Peking University, this article analyzes the rate of return to non-degree education. Using the expanded Mincerian Rate of Return function, the study fi nds that non-degree education can signifi cantly increase the income. The rates of return to non-degree education among different social groups are compared and it is found that the rates are higher in groups of uncontracted labors than those with contract, female than male, staff from non-institutional enterprises than those in institutional institutions, and non-agricultural household than agricultural household. Therefore, according to the differences in the rates of return to non-degree education, strategies and suggestions are given.

Keywords: non-degree education; rate of return to education; Mincer Rate of Return

下载: 中国非学历教育与个人收入关系的实证研究.pdf

