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2018年第4期  点击:[]


(北京教育科学研究院 终身学习与可持续发展教育研究所,北京 100021)

【摘 要】终身教育体系建设的价值追求在于构建一个开放的教育体系,服务“包容和公平的全民优质教育和终身学习”目标的实现。以互联网为代表的现代信息技术已经成为教育创新的重要支撑。本文首先分析了“互联网+终身教育体系”建设的动因,从内在需求来看,依靠学校教育体系构建终身教育体系已无法解决新时代教育问题,这一现状亟需改变。从外在动力来看,现代信息技术正在改变着人们的工作与生活,也将推动教育领域的变革。基于此,本研究从技术推动教育系统性变革的视角分析了“互联网+终身教育体系”的内涵与特征。“互联网+终身教育体系”是以互联网为代表的现代信息技术作为创新要素,推动教育的结构性、整体性变革,构建一个服务大规模个性化学习的开放教育体系,其具备体系构成的多样化与去中心化、互联互通的教育资源共享、需求驱动的教育服务供给等特征。


Building Internet+ Lifelong Education System: Motivation, Connotation and Characteristics

LIN Shiyuan

(Institute for lifelong learning and sustainable development, Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences, Beijing 100021 , China)

Abstract: The value pursue for building Lifelong Education System lies in building an open education system, in accomplishing the goal of ‘serves for inclusion and equality national quality education and lifelong learning’. The modern information technology represented by Internet has become an important support for educational innovation. This paper analyzes the Internet+ lifelong education system construction motivation. From the perspective of internal demand, it is impossible to solve the education problem in the new era by solely relying on the school education system to construct lifelong education system, and this needs to be changed. From the external impetus, modern information technology is changing people’s work and life, and it will also promote the reform of education fi eld. Based on this, this paper analyzes the connotation and characteristics of the Internet+ lifelong education system through the perspective of technology-driven education systemic reform. The Internet+ Lifelong education system is a modern information technology, which is represented by the Internet as an innovative element to promote the structural and holistic transformation of education, and to construct an open education system that serves the large-scale individualized learning, which has the characteristics of diversifi cation, decantation, sharing of educational resources of interconnection, demand-driven education service supply and others.

Keywords: Internet+; Lifelong Education System; motivation; connotation; characteristics

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