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2017年第5期  点击:[]

常 娟 叶肖娜

(中国科学技术馆,北京 100012)

【摘 要】近年来,我国科技馆建设发展迅猛,在重视硬件建设的同时,很多场馆都开发了丰富多彩的教育活动。馆校结合成为了理论研究与实践探索的聚焦点,学习单(工作纸)、教师培训、科普讲座、科学实验(科普剧、科学秀)、流动科技馆(大篷车、农村中学科技馆)等成为活动的普遍形式。对比国外科技馆服务学校的教育项目,教具的开发与服务目前在国内还处于起步阶段,希望通过本文的浅述,能够对改善科技馆教具的开发与服务状况有所启发。


【中图分类号】G77 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2096-1510(2017)05-0039-06

Development and Utilization of Teaching Facility and Services in Science and Technology Museum

CHANG Juan and YE Xiaona

(China science and technology museum, Beijing 100012, China)

Abstract: In recent years, science and technology museums construction in China has been developing rapidly. While emphasizing the construction of hardware, many museums have developed vast education activities. The collaboration of museum and school has become the focal point of theoretic research and practices. Working sheet (working paper), teacher training, popular science lectures, scientific experiments (science play, science show), mobile science and technology museum (caravan, rural middle school science and technology museum) are common activities. Compared to foreign education science and technology museum services, the development of teaching facilities and services at present in China is still in its infancy. This article expects to give some inspirations in improving teaching facilities development and service in science and technology museum in China.

Keywords: science and technology museum;teaching facilities;education activities

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