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2021年第4期  点击:[]

王 浩1 王辞晓2*

(1.北京大学 教育学院,北京 100871;2.北京师范大学 教育技术学院,北京 100875)

【摘 要】近年来,高校慕课建设工程迅速兴起,为我国在线开放课程建设与共享、学习型社会建设起到了重大的推动作用。本文聚焦于P大学的慕课建设现状,选取了来自P大学8门慕课团队的共11名成员作为研究对象,通过访谈和案例分析深入调研慕课团队的幕后制作流程。研究发现慕课建设共分为四个阶段:筹备设计阶段、开发制作阶段、推广运营阶段和改进更新阶段。基于各阶段任务协调与项目实施等情况的访谈,结合活动理论框架分析发现:当前慕课建设存在着团队组织单一、开发运营经验有待推广、内外合力不足等问题。文章进而在课程建设、资源优化等层面提出改进建议与对策。


From the Front to the Back: A Qualitative Study on the Current Situation of MOOCs Construction in Colleges

WANG Hao1 and WANG Cixiao2*

(1. Graduate School of Education, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China; 2. School of Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract:In recent years, the construction projects of MOOCs in Colleges have risen rapidly, which have played an important role in promoting the construction and sharing of online open courses as well as the construction of learning society in China. Focusing on the current situation of MOOC construction in P-University, this article selected 11 members from 8 MOOCs teams in P University as the research object, and conducted in-depth research on the production process of MOOCs through interviews and case analysis. It is found that the construction of MOOCs can be divided into four stages: preparation and design, development and production, promotion and operation, improvement and renewal. Based on the interview results of task coordination and project implementation in each stage, combined with the theoretical framework of activities, some problems in MOOCs construction are found, namely single team organization, development and operation experience to be promoted, insufficient internal and external forces etc. Afterwards, this article puts forward suggestions and countermeasures in the aspects of curriculum construction and resource optimization.

Keywords:MOOCs; team development; course construction; activity theory

下载:  从台前到“慕”后:高校慕课建设现状的质性研究.pdf

