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2018年第2期  点击:[]

赵 彤 余 亮

(西南大学 计算机与信息科学学院,重庆 400715)

【摘 要】随着数字教育资源的迅速发展和普及,数字教育资源服务的作用日益凸显,其能够帮助学习者更好地进行自主学习。然而,数字教育资源的服务质量和学习者的需求之间仍有一定差距。本研究依据数字教育资源服务的内涵,建构了数字教育资源服务的三个维度:数字教育资源分类和课程描述、通用性服务及个性化服务。同时,选取10个国内外典型的公开课程网站进行比较分析,分析结果表明现阶段数字教育资源服务存在不足,即学习评价方式单一,学习情况未能细致体现,知识缺乏系统化等。基于此,提出三个针对性的数字教育资源服务优化模型,即围绕学习活动的学习评价模型、个性化学习数据管理模型和在线深度学习模型,以期改善数字教育资源服务质量。


The Status and Optimization Model of Digital Educational Resources Service: Based on the Perspective of Open Online Course

ZHAO Tong and YU Liang

(College of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715,China)

Abstract: With the rapid development and popularization of digital educational resources,the role of digital educational resources service is becoming increasingly prominent. They can help learners to do better in Autonomous learning. However, there is still a gap between the quality of the digital education resources and the needs of the learners. Based on the concept of digital educational resource service, this paper constructed the three dimensions of the digital education resources service, including digital educational resources classifi cation and curriculum description, general service, and personalized service. At the same time, 10 typical open courses websites at home and abroad are selected for comparative analysis, to fi nd defi ciencies and factors of digital educational resources services at present: learning evaluation is unitary, learning management is not meticulous, and knowledge is not systematically presented. This paper will propose three targeted optimization models, include learning evaluation model around learning activities, personalized learning data management model and online deep learning model, to improve the digital educational resources service and learners’learning outcome.

Keywords: digital educational resources; services; open online course; optimization model

下载地址:    数字教育资源服务的现状与优化模型.pdf

