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2018年第3期  点击:[]

罗•麦格雷尔(Rory McGreal)

(阿萨巴斯卡大学 远程教育中心,加拿大 阿尔伯塔省 T9S 3A3)

高茜 译

【摘 要】我们有理由认为,开放教育资源(OER)对发展中国家大有裨益,甚至比对发达国家更有利。正因为如此,在支持可持续发展目标4提到的教科文组织教育目标方面,开放教育资源发挥着重要的变革性作用。人们利用开放教育资源,为生存环境艰难的人们增加学习机会,解决成本、质量和公平的问题。开放教育资源是可以公开获取的,不受授权限制,可以提升质量,因而他们可以促进国内外教师和院校之间的内外部合作,确保知识获得和学习的公平。目前,各教育部门正在积极应用开放教育资源,包括素质教育、职业教育和成人教育以及移民和难民教育(具有先前学习评价和认证)。开发开放课程、开放教育资源有助于提高教育质量。最重要的是,开放教育资源是数字化的,世界经济是数字化的,学生必须学会如何在数字环境中工作和娱乐。


The Role of Open Educational Resources in Supporting the Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education Challenges and Opportunities

Rory McGreal

(Centre for Distance Education,Athabasca University,Alberta T9S 3A3,Canada)

Abstract: It is reasonable to argue that Open Educational Resources (OER) can greatly benefi t developing countries, even more so than those that are considered developed. As such, they can play an important transformative role in supporting the UNESCO education for all goals as stated in SDG4. OER can be used to increase access to learning for those living in unfavorable circumstances, and also be used to address issues of cost, quality and equity. They are free of licensing restrictions that inhibit quality improvements and because they are openly available, OER can facilitate both internal and external collaborations among instructors and institutions, both locally and internationally, while ensuring equitable access to knowledge and learning. OER are presently being actively used in all sectors of education including literacy, vocational, adult education, as well as with immigrants and refugees (with prior learning assessment and recognition). OER can be instrumental in improving the quality of education through open curriculum development. And, most importantly, OER are digital. The world economy is digital, students must learn how to work (and play) in digital environments.

Keywords: UNESCO; OER; SDG; e-learning; license; copyright

下载地址:    开放教育资源助力可持续发展目标之优质教育的挑战和机遇.pdf

