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2018年第6期  点击:[]

露丝•克拉克1 理查德•E•梅耶2

(1.克拉克培训与咨询公司,美国 亚利桑那 85374-9702;2.加州大学圣巴巴拉分校,美国加利福尼亚 93106)

金琦钦 盛群力 译

【摘 要】当下,技术如何应用于教学和学习是教育领域的重要议题。克拉克和梅耶认为,目前存在两种应用取向:一是技术中心取向,这种取向过分关注最新技术的作用,忽略了学习者的作用;作者赞同另一种以学习者中心的取向,在这一取向下,学习者的学习过程成为焦点,技术则是为了更有效地辅助,以促进创造性学习。本文正是基于学习者中心取向,审视了数字化学习的机制,以期为技术的理性运用提供思路。学习是由经验引起的学习者知识的变化。学习存在三种隐喻,即学习的反应强化观、信息获取观和知识建构观。其中,学习的知识建构观最值得关注,它以双重通道、容量有限和主动加工原理为基础,而学习者面临的挑战是在学习中管控有限的认知资源。因此,数字化课程的设计要指导学习者选择重要信息,管控工作记忆有限容量,促进整合、提取和迁移。


How Do People Learn from e-Courses?

Ruth C. Clark1 and Richard E. Mayer2

(1.Clark Consulting and Training, Inc. , AZ 85374-9702, USA;2.University of California, Santa Barbara, California 93106, USA)

Abstract: At present, how technology is applied to teaching and learning is an important issue in the fi eld of education. Clark and Mayer point out that there are two approaches of application: one is the technology-centered approach, which focuses too much on the role of the latest technology, and ignores the role of learner; they admire another approach, the learner-center approach, which focuses on how people learn, where technology is to promote creative learning more effectively. Taking a learner-centered approach, this article examines what works in e-learning,in order to provide some insights for the rational use of technology. Learning is a change in the learner’s knowledge due to experience, and there are three metaphors for learning, that is the response-strengthening view, the information-acquisition view and the knowledge-construction view, which is most strongly focused on. The knowledge-construction view is based on three principles of dual channels, limited capacity and active processing. The challenge for the learner is to manage limited cognitive resources during learning, therefore, e-lessons should direct learners to select important information, manage limited capacity in working memory, and facilitate to integrate, retrieve and transfer knowledge.

KeyWords: learner-centered approach; e-learning; learning; knowledge-construction view; e-courses

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