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2019年第1期  点击:[]

丽贝卡•弗格森1 蒂姆库夫兰1 凯蒂尔埃格兰德斯代尔2 马克盖德1 克里斯多西西罗多1 加隆希莱尔1 德里克琼斯1 伊斯特林乔尔斯1 艾格尼丝库库斯卡休姆1 帕特里克麦克安德鲁1 卡米拉米西尤克2 因贡琼尼斯2 巴特雷恩泰1 艾琳斯坎伦1 麦克沙普尔斯1 芭芭拉沃森马丁韦勒1 丹尼斯怀特洛克1

(1.英国开放大学 教育技术研究所,英国 米尔顿凯恩斯 MK76AA;2.挪威卑尔根大学 学习科学与技术中心,挪威 卑尔根 N-5020)

钱逸舟 编译

【摘 要】《创新教学报告》是由英国开放大学2012年开始发布的年度系列报告,旨在介绍和探索新型的教学和评价方式,为教育的实践者和决策者提供新思路。本文从《创新教学报告2019》中精选编译了较有代表性的三种教学法——学习机器人、基于地点的学习和思维可视化。随着技术的发展,机器人可能会被广泛应用于教育之中,协助教师进行教学,甚至替代部分的教师工作。虽然机器人有促进学习的可能性,但是如何合理利用机器人和人工智能仍然值得思考。基于地点的学习并不是新事物,然而利用移动技术支持基于地点的学习使其焕然一新。根据学习者所处的地点,利用移动技术和设备向学习者推送学习资源,将使学习更加便捷高效。可视化学生思维为我们深入理解学生的学习过程提供了新的视角和方法。利用各类技术工具预先了解学生现有的知识和理解水平,并将它们可视化,这将使教学更有目的性,进而促进学习。虽然新技术拓展了教育的可能性,但是技术的运用一定要符合教学的原则,使技术和教学能够无缝衔接。


Innovating Pedagogy 2019:Exploring New Forms of Teaching, Learning and Assessment, to Guide Educators and Policy Makers

Rebecca Ferguson1, Tim Coughlan1, Kjetil Egelandsda2, Mark Gaved1, Christothea Herodotou1, Garron Hillaire1, Derek Jones1, Iestyn Jowers1, Agnes Kukulska-Hulme1, Patrick McAndrew1, Kamila Misiejuk2, Ingunn Johanna Ness2, Bart Rienties1, Eileen Scanlon1, Mike Sharples1, Barbara Wasson2, Martin Weller1, Denise Whitelock1

(1. Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, MK7 6AA, UK; 2. Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE), University of Bergen, Postboks 7807, N-5020 Bergen, Norway)

Abstract: Innovating Pedagogy reports are a series of reports exploring new forms of teaching, learning, and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation. Innovating Pedagogy 2019 is the seventh report of this series, produced by researchers from the Institute of Educational Technology in The Open University and Norway’s Centre for the Science of Learning & Technology (SLATE). This paper translated and introduced three innovative pedagogies of this report, including learning with robots, place-based learning, and making thinking visible. While robots nowadays have the potential to support teaching and enhance learning, more investigation is still needed to appropriately use robots in education. Place-based learning is not new, but using various technologies, especially mobile devices and technologies to support place-based learning makes it more feasible and effective. Making student thinking visiblr is important in teaching and learning. New technologies make visualization of student thinking possible. With visualized student thinking, teachers can better prepare their instruction, and students can benefi t from it by realizing their current understanding. While technologies have extended the possibilities of education, following instructional principles and integrating technologies with education properly is still needed.

Keywords: Innovating Pedagogy;robots for learning;place-based learning;visualizing student thinking

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