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2018年第3期  点击:[]

史 枫 徐新容

(北京教育科学研究院 终身学习与可持续发展教育研究所,北京 100036)

【摘 要】北京城市面临可持续发展的重大命题,而可持续发展业已成为国际学习型城市建设的核心理念。在这一背景之下,围绕教育的转型跨越、人力资本提升助推经济发展、以文化人、依学治理和生态文明助力和谐宜居之都建设,北京学习型城市建设呈现出不同凡响的行动作为。本文从学习型城市与教育综改、经济提升、文化建设、社会治理、生态文明五个方面的结合,凝练了可持续发展学习型城市的北京模式,并对该模式加以分析。在此基础上,讨论了北京学习型城市建设中的三个问题和未来发展的展望。


Developing Sustainable Learning City: Action, Pattern and the Future of Beijing

SHI Feng and XU Xinrong

(Institute for Lifelong learning and ESD, Beijing Academy of Educational Sciences,Beijing 100036,China)

Abstract: With sustainable development being the core concept of international learning city construction, Beijing has been facing with this issue. Along with the construction of a harmonious and livable capital, featuring with educational transformation, economic development boosting by upgrading human resources, nurturing people by education and cultivation, and assisted by ecological civilization, Beijing’s learning city construction has presented remarkable achievements. This paper summarizes and analyzes the Beijing mode from fi ve aspects: educational reform, economic upgrading, cultural construction, social governance, as well as ecological civilization. On this bases, this paper also discusses three main issues in Beijing’s learning city construction and its prospection.

Keywords: learning city; sustainable development; pattern

下载地址:  北京建设可持续发展学习型城市:行动、模式与展望.pdf

