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2018年第6期  点击:[]

石琬若 牛晓杰 郑勤华

(北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875 )

【摘 要】在线学习者的来源构成各异,在线学习行为复杂,学习者学习结果的影响因素还有待进一步探索。学习分析技术为学习结果影响因素的研究提供了新的可能。本研究从学 习分析的视角,基于英国开放大学在线课程学习行为和结果数据集,使用结构方程模型,探究了以活动为中心的在线课程中学习者的背景信息和在线行为特征对学习结果的影响。研究结果表明:学习者的背景信息对其在线学习行为存在显著影响,学习行为特征对学习结果的影响并不显著;学习者的学习准备情况对其页面访问行为和论坛讨论行为有显著的正向促进作用,而对资源搜索行为负向影响显著。本研究为下一步以活动为中心的在线课程设计和活动组织以及学习支持服务的开展提供了参考。


Empirical Study on the Infl uencing Factors of Activity-Centered Online Courses Learning Outcomes: Take OULAD as an Example

SHI Wanruo, NIU Xiaojie and ZHENG Qinhua

(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China )

Abstract: As online learners are different, and online learning behavior is complex, the infl uencing factors of learning outcomes need to be further explored. Learning analytics provides new possibilities for the study of the infl uencing factors of learning outcomes. From the perspective of learning analytics, this study utilizes Structure Equation Modeling, exploring the infl uence of background information and online behavioral characteristics of learners in activity-centered online courses on learning outcomes, based on the Open University Learning Analytics Dataset. The research indicates that the background information of learners has a signifi cant impact on their online learning behavior, while the infl uence of learning behavior characteristics on learning outcomes is less signifi cant. Also, learning preparation has a signifi cant positive effect on learners’ web access behavior and forum discussion behavior, while it has a signifi cant negative impact on resource searching behavior. This research provides a reference for the following activity-centered online curriculum design and event organization and learning support services.

Keywords: online courses; learning activity; infl uencing factors; Structure Equation Modeling

下载:   以活动为中心的在线课程学习结果影响因素实证研究.pdf

