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2024年第3期  点击:[]

董黎明1   焦宝聪2

(1.北京开放大学 科学技术学院,北京 100081;2.首都师范大学 教育学院,北京 100048)

【摘  要】创客教育是以创新思维发展为核心、培养新时代创新人才的一种有效途径。研究以华莱士创新思维心理过程“四阶段模型”理论探索为基础,从教育理念、教育目标、教育程序、教育支撑环境和教育评价五方面构建面向创新思维发展的创客教育模式,并通过三轮迭代设计来完善面向创新思维发展的创客教育模式。研究发现:基于专项技能项目和综合项目,由准备、创意、创图、创物和创享五阶段构成的创客教育模式能有效地促进学习者发散思维、直觉思维、形象思维和批判性思维的发展,最终促进学习者创新思维的有效发展。


Research on Maker Education Mode for the Development of Innovative Thinking

DONG Liming1 and JIAO Baocong2

(1. College of Science and Technology, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Department of Educational Technology, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China)

Abstract: Maker education is an important way to cultivate innovative talents in the new era with the development of innovative thinking as the core. Based on the theoretical exploration of the “four stage model” of Wallace’s innovative thinking psychological process, this article constructs an innovative thinking-oriented maker education model from five aspects: educational philosophy, educational objectives, procedures, support environment, and evaluation. The model, iterated and improved through three rounds of design research, consists five stages: preparation, ideate, image creation, making, and sharing. Based on specialized skills projects and comprehensive projects, it could effectively promote learners’ divergent thinking development, intuitive thinking, visual thinking, and critical thinking, and ultimately promote learners’ innovative thinking development effectively.

Keywords: maker education; innovative thinking; psychological process; instructional design

下载: 面向创新思维发展的创客教育模式构建研究.pdf

