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2023年第6期  点击:[]


董艳1 楚肖燕2,3  翟雪松2 黄世举4 

(1.北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875;2.浙江大学 教育学院,浙江 杭州 310058;3.曼彻斯特 大学 数字技术、传播与教育系,英国 曼彻斯特 M13 9PL;4.莆田第一中学,福建 莆田 351100)

【摘  要】数字时代,构建教育高质量发展体系的过程给教师带来了一定的挑战和负担。如何帮助教师减负、提升 教师工作绩效已成为教育研究者、教育决策者积极探讨和急需解决的重要问题。本研究对数字时代教师负担问题的症结 进行了分析,指出现有的教师减负方案对教师自身的内在潜力关注不足,且缺少切实有效的工作机制。项目式学习成为 变革基础教育的一种有效的教学途径,但现有研究对项目思想如何促进教师专业发展缺乏必要的研究关注。为此,本研 究围绕项目式学习如何帮助教师作为成人学习者提升工作绩效,提出积极通过自我重塑的路径分析来应对工作负担的内 在作用机制,从观念转变、方法学习、教学实践和反思迭代四个方面重塑专业发展的新流程,积极应对数字时代教师的 工作负担。 


A Project-Based Learning Reinvention Path for Teachers Coping with Workload in the Digital Age 

DONG Yan1 , CHU Xiaoyan2,3, ZHAI Xuesong2 and Huang Shiju4 

(1. Department of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 2.College of Education, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China; 3. Digital Technologies, Communication and Education, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK; 4. Putian No.1 Middle School, Putian 351100, China) 

Abstract: Building a high-quality development system for education in the digital era has brought certain challenges and burdens to teachers. Helping teachers in basic education to reduce their burden and improve their performance has becoming an important issue that educational researchers and educational policy makers actively explore and try to solve. This article analyzes the crux of the teacher burden problem in the digital age, by pointing out that existing teacher burden reduction programs not paying enough attention to teachers’ own intrinsic potential and lacking practical and effective working mechanisms. Project-based learning has emerged in recent years as an effective pedagogical approach to transform basic education and has gained recognition in promoting the internal motivation of educational targets and the acquisition of higher-order knowledge and skills. However, existing research lacks a certain perspective on how project-based ideas contribute to teachers’ professional development. Therefore, this article analyzes mechanisms underlying the effects of how project-based learning improve teachers’ performance as adult learners and actively cope with their workload through a path analysis of self-reinvention in order to achieve load reduction effects, based on which the study argues that teachers may reshape the reengineering process of professional development in four ways: conceptual change, methodological learning, teaching practice, and reflective iteration, in order to actively respond to the workload of basic education teachers in the digital era. 

Keywords: teacher burden reduction; project-based learning; digital technology; technological stress; mechanism of action; self-reinvention

下载: 数字时代教师应对工作负担的项目学习重塑路径.pdf

