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2024年第2期  点击:[]

许心怡 刘昱辰 朱金秋 朱志勇*

(北京师范大学 教育管理学院,北京 100875)

【摘 要】访谈法作为质性研究中收集资料的重要方法之一,具有较强的生成性与情境性,特别是其中的“追问”环节,是不少质性研究新手在研习过程中的一大挑战。本研究通过对某“双一流”高校研究生质性研究校级方法课中的学生访谈视频与备忘录的分析,发现各研究合作小组中的质性研究新手,在实际开展访谈的过程中大部分具备了一定的追问意识,尝试调动自身的“分寸感”和“敏锐感”来把握追问的时机,采用“澄清”与“具化”的方式来进行追问,但仍反思到自身存在对互动节奏与互动角色的把握有失分寸的问题,呈现出在“双重行动流”中试探性行动的状态。根据上述结论,研究者对质性研究访谈“追问”过程中的“视域融合”与“角色平衡”问题及质性研究方法的教学话题进行了反思与讨论。


Mobilized Tentative Action: How do Qualitative Research Novices Probe?

XU Xinyi, LIU Yuchen, ZHU Jinqiu and ZHU Zhiyong*

(College of Educational Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: As one of the important methods to collect data in qualitative research, interview is highly generative and situational. The probing process is especially a challenge for qualitative research novices. After analyzing interview videos and students’ memos in the school-level qualitative research method course for graduate students in a“double-first-class”university, this study finds that most of qualitative research novices in each cooperative research group have a certain awareness of probing in the actual interview process, trying to mobilize their“sense of propriety”and“sense of awareness”to grasp the opportunity of probing, and adopting “clarification” and “specification” methods to probe. However, they still reflect on their own problems on the rhythm and role of interaction, presenting a state of tentative action in the “double action flow.”Based on the above conclusions, this study discusses the issues of“horizon fusion”and “role balance”in the probing process and reflects the teaching and learning process of qualitative research methods.

Keywords: qualitative research; novices; probe; interview

下载: 流动中的试探:质性研究新手是如何进行追问的?.pdf

