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2021年第2期  点击:[]


(北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875)

【摘 要】全国社区教育实验区建设始于2001年,示范区建设始于2008年,是教育部等多部门联合推动的旨在促进社区教育改革实验与示范工作的先行先试地区。二十年来,实验区、示范区建设经历了由试点到实验、实验到示范、实验与示范同步开展三大阶段,遵循着从有序性摸索到规范化建设、试点实验到全国推广、引领示范到可持续发展的内在演进逻辑。当前实验区、示范区已在体制机制建设、社区办学网络、师资队伍培育、教育资源供给等方面取得一定成就,但仍存在着对实验区、示范区的理解有待深化、针对性政策措施有待完善、配套经费保障机制不健全等短板。为此,要从理念认识、政策规划与执行、经费保障、监督与评估等方面推进社区教育实验区、示范区建设的进程。


Twenty Years of the National Community Education Experimental Zone and Demonstration Zone in China: Reflection and Prospect

SUN Jialong

( Faculty of education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China )

Abstract:The construction of national community education experimental zone began in 2001 and construction of demonstration zone began in 2008.They are pilot areas jointly built by the Ministry of Education and other departments, with the purpose of promoting the reform experiment and demonstration work of community education. In the past 20 years, the construction of the national community education experimental zone and demonstration zone has gone through three stages: from pilot to experiment, experiment to demonstration and simultaneous development, and has followed the internal evolution logic from orderly exploration to standardized construction, pilot experiment to comprehensive promotion, and demonstration to sustainable development. At present, the construction of the experimental zone and demonstration zone has made some achievements in system and mechanism, school network, teaching staff, educational resources and other aspects, but there are still some shortcomings, namely the need to deepen the understanding of the demonstration zone and the experimental zone, the need to improve targeted policies and measures, and the lack of the supporting funding mechanism. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the construction process of the experimental zone and demonstration zone from the aspects of concept understanding, policy planning and implementation, fund guarantee, supervision and evaluation, so as to realize the leapfrog development of community education in China.

Keywords:community education; experimental zone; demonstration zone; reflection and prospect

下载:  我国社区教育实验区、示范区建设20年:反思与展望.pdf

