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2022年第6期  点击:[]

齐晓恬1  彭海蕾2 

(1.北京开放大学 人文与教育学院,北京 100081; 2.北京联合大学 师范学院,北京 100011) 

【摘  要】教育政策借鉴理论为分析我国终身教育发展的历史演进提供了新的视角,本文依据该理论的四步模 型,从跨国吸引、决策、实施、内化四个方面对改革开放以来我国终身教育的发展进行了具体分析。研究发现, 我国终身教育的借鉴源于国际终身教育思潮为教育改革带来的新思路,并在制度、理论的共同保障下历经四个阶 段因地制宜的实施,逐渐内化出终身教育发展的中国经验,为形成突显文化自信的、具有理论创新和实践突破 的、能够引领国际借鉴的中国特色终身教育奠定了基础。 


The Historical Evolution of the Development of Lifelong Education in China: Based on the Theory of Educational Policy Borrowing 

QI Xiaotian1 and PENG Hailei2 

(1. College of Humanities and Education, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China; 2. Teachers’ College, Beijing Union University, Beijing 100101, China) 

Abstract: The theory of educational policy borrowing provides a new analytical perspective for combing the historical evolution of the development of lifelong education in China. Based on the four-step model of educational policy borrowing theory, from four aspects of cross-national attraction, decision, implementation and internalization, this paper specifically analyses the development of lifelong education in China over the past 40 years of reform and opening up. It is found that the reference of lifelong education in China originates from new ideas for education reform brought by the international trend of lifelong education. After four stages of implementation in accordance with local conditions under the common guarantee of system and theory, Chinese experience of lifelong education development is gradually internalized. It has laid a foundation for the formation of lifelong education with Chinese characteristics, which highlights cultural confidence, theoretical innovation and practical breakthrough, and therefore leads international reference.

Keywords: Educational Policy Borrowing; lifelong education development; historical evolution

下载: 我国终身教育发展的历史演进-基于教育政策借鉴理论的视角.pdf

