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2021年第1期  点击:[]

常红梅1 褚宏启1 崔新有2 刘文清3 张宗旺4 籍献平5

(1.北京开放大学,北京 100081;2.江苏开放大学,江苏 南京 210036;3.广东开放大学,广东 广州 510091;4.天津广播电视大学,天津 300350; 5.河北广播电视大学,河北 石家庄 050080)

【摘 要】《国家开放大学综合改革方案》已由教育部印发,其落实必将推动开放大学改革发展,进入新的发展时期。该如何把握新时机、新形势和新机遇,提升开放教育办学质量,加强办学新体系、开放教育与职业教育的融合发展,进而实现开放教育和开放大学的创新发展。首先,实现开放教育办学质量提升,人才培养目标是方向,课程是依托,质量标准与评价是核心,需要建立并健全监测、服务、保障三个体系。其次,开放大学体系建设将成为国家服务全民终身学习教育体系的重要支撑和战略保障。体系建设需从优化体制机制入手,从管理走向治理,规范相互间的权、责、利,通过共商、共建、共享,达成共赢,进而成为事业共同体、命运共同体和利益共同体。最后,开放大学承担着探索高等教育、职业教育与继续教育融合发展的职责,一方面是在专业人才培养方案的基础上实施一体化设计,另一方面通过资历框架与学分银行建设、1+X证书制度,实现未来各级各类教育的融通和融合。


The Innovative Development of Open Education and Open University

CHANG Hongmei1, CHU Hongqi1, CUI Xinyou2, LIU Wenqing3, ZHANG Zongwang4 and JI Xianping5

(1.Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China ; 2.Jiangsu Open University, Nanjing 210036, China; 3. The Open University of Guangdong, Guangzhou 510091,China; 4. Tianjin Radio & TV University, Tianjin 300350, China; 5.Hebei Radio & TV University, Shijiazhuang 050080, China)

Abstract:National Open University’s Comprehensive Reform Plan has been issued by the Ministry of Education, which marks a new development era for the construction of the Open University. How to grasp the new opportunity, to improve the quality of open education, to strengthen the Open University, to integrate open education and vocational education, so as to realize the innovative development of open education and Open University? First of all, in improving the quality of open education, talent training goal should be taken as the direction, curriculum as support, and quality standard and evaluation as core. Monitoring, service and guarantee system need to be established and improved. Secondly, the construction of the Open University system will become an important support and strategic guarantee for the national life-long learning education system. We need to start from optimizing the system and mechanism, from managing to leading, from standardizing the rights, responsibilities and power of each other to achieve win-win results through consultation, joint contribution and sharing, so as to form a community of common interests, common destiny and common cause. Lastly, the Open University undertakes the responsibility of exploring integrated development of higher education, vocational education and continuing education. On the one hand, it is to implement an integrated design based on the professional talent training program; on the other hand, it is to realize the integration and integration of all levels and all types of education in the future through the qualification framework, credit bank construction and 1+X certificate system.

Keywords:open education; Open University; education quality; education system

下载:  开放教育与开放大学创新发展.pdf

