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2018年第3期  点击:[]

沈欣忆1 张艳霞2 吴健伟3 李 营4

(1.北京教育科学研究院,北京 100031;2.深圳市海云天科技股份有限公司,广东 深圳 518057;3.北京市海淀区教师进修学校,北京 100097;4.中央财经大学,北京 100081)

【摘 要】企业在竞争中立于不败之地最大的资本是职工的能力素质,而职工能力素质的提高有赖于职工继续教育。但是职工继续教育培训存在东拼西凑的现象,缺乏系统性,不少培训课程仅仅是教材知识的简单呈现,忽视在职人员能力构成及发展需求,培训往往自上而下,并没有真正从职工的需求出发。本研究采用文献研究、专家访谈、问卷调查等多种定性与定量相结合的研究方法构建体现职业能力层次性、边界性和递进性的职工职业能力模型。该职业能力模型基于终身学习的理念,体现职业能力各层次、要素之间的相互联系、相互作用,并通过由上而下的具体化,使之成为一个完整的体系。期望构建的职业能力模型,能够促使后续职工继续教育更具系统性和结构性,解决现阶段职工继续教育培训效果不佳的问题。


Adult Learners’ Professional Competence Model Construction from the Perspective of Lifelong Learning

SHEN Xinyi1, ZHANG Yanxia2, WU Jianwei3 and LI Ying4

(1.Beijing Education Scientifi c Academy, Beijing 100031,China; 2.Sea Sky Land Limited Company of Shenzhen; Shenzhen 518057,China; 3.Beijing Haidian Teachers Training College, Beijing 100097,China; 4. Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing 100081,China)

Abstract: The professional competence of the staff indicate the competitiveness of the enterprise. The improvement of staff’s competence depends on their continuing education. However, many training courses are simple presentation of teaching material knowledge, which neglect systematicness and development needs of in-service staff. These trainings are often top-down and fail to meet employees’ real needs. This study uses a variety of qualitative and quantitative research methods, such as literature research, expert interview and questionnaire survey, to build a professional competency model for employees’ continuing education, which embodies the boundary and progressiveness of professional competence. Based on the concept of lifelong learning, the professional competence model embodies the interrelation and interaction of various levels and elements of professional competence, and makes it a complete system. The model of professional competence is expected to make continuing education more systematic and structural, and to solve the problem of lacking effectiveness of the employees’ continuing education at the present stage.

Keywords: employee; continuing education; professional competency model

下载地址:  终身学习视角下职工职业能力模型构建研究.pdf

