S•亚当斯·贝克尔(Adams Becker, S.) M•卡明斯(Cummins, M.) A•戴维斯(Davis, A.) A•弗里曼(Freeman, A.) C•霍尔•盖辛格
(Giesinger Hall, C.) V•安娜塔娜额亚娟(Ananthanarayanan, V.) K•兰利(Langley, K.) N•沃尔夫森(Wolfson, N.)
(新媒体联盟,美国 奥斯汀 78746)
高茜 曹红岩 徐路等 译
【摘 要】地平线报告系列展示了5年内创新实践和技术对全球学术与研究型图书馆的影响。报告涉及6大关键趋势,6种重要挑战和6项技术发展,它们影响着图书馆战略、运营和服务,包括学习、创意调查、研究和信息管理。其中专家们认为大数据、数字学术技术、图书馆服务平台、网络身份、人工智能、物联网等技术具有促进学术和研究型图书馆发生真正改变的潜力。本报告为图书馆领导者、图书馆工作人员、政策制定者和技术人员提供参考和技术规划指南。
【中图分类号】G51 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2096-1510(2017)05-0001-13
The NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Library Edition
Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., Freeman, A., Giesinger Hall, C., Ananthanarayanan, V., Langley, K., and Wolfson, N.
(The New Media Consortium, Austin 78746, USA)
Abstract: This NMC Horizon Report series charts the five-year impact of innovative practices and technologies for academic and research libraries across the globe. Six key trends, six significant challenges, and six developments in technology profiled in this report are poised to impact library strategies, operations, and services with regards to learning, creative inquiry, research, and information management. Such as Big Data, Digital Scholarship Technologies, Library Services Platforms, Online Identity, Artificial Intelligence, The Internet of Things, the six developments in technology highlighted by the 2017 NMC Horizon Project Library Expert Panel, who agree that they have the potential to foster real changes in academic and research libraries. This report constitutes a reference and technology planning guide for librarians, library leaders, library staff, policymakers, and technologists.
Keywords: Horizon Report;Big Data, Digital Scholarship; Artificial Intelligence;The Internet of Things