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2017年第6期  点击:[]


(中国教育发展战略学会,北京 100816)

【摘 要】信息技术的高速发展和在教育领域的应用,催生了网络教育的蓬勃发展,不仅在解决传统高等学校发展长期以来面临的扩大教育规模、提高教学质量和减少教育支出之间的矛盾上展现出独特优势,而且正在推动和引领教育与学习模式的深刻变革。党的报告进一步将网络教育纳入我国的教育体系,为我国网络教育的发展开辟了更为广阔的发展空间和新的发展机遇。人民群众日益增长的对高质量高等教育的需求,促使网络教育正在成为未来我国高等教育和继续教育新的教育教学模式,也成为建设全民终身学习体系,满足人民群众多样化学习需求、促进教育公平的重要途径。发展网络教育,促进信息技术与教学改革的深度融合,推动优质教育资源共享,并通过建设开放大学等一系列改革措施,全面提高网络教育教学质量,将成为推动全民终身学习、建设学习型社会的重要抓手。办好网络教育,应特别注意立足于开放、优质、服务和有责任担当。


Seizing the Historical Opportunity to Meet and Realize the New Glory of Online Education

HAO Keming

(Chinese Society of Educational Development Strategy, Beijing 100816, China)

Abstract: We are in the era of rapid growth of information technology and online education is witnessing great opportunities. In President Xi’s report to the 19th CPC National Congress in October, online education is remarked as a crucial component of China’s educational system. With citizens’growing needs of high quality education, online education is becoming an important approach towards higher education and continuous education. Higher online education quality is expected to achieve through designing open curriculum, actively exploring the integration of information technology and teaching reform, integrating high quality education resources, strengthening faculty construction and improving teaching quality assurance infrastructure. Furthermore, solving the disadvantage of examination-oriented education and implementing quality education are expected to realize through setting up variety of learning approaches to cultivate the merit of overpass and constructing qualifi cation framework. The construction of lifelong learning system aims to meet the educational needs of common citizens and to build education equality. Meeting citizens’longing for better qualified education will come across diffi culties if traditional education mode stays unchanged. Therefore, open university construction and online learning is key towards a better lifelong learning society development, and openness, high quality, service, responsibility are key elements to emphasize during the process.

Keywords: online education; information technology; lifelong learning; open; high quality

下载地址:    抓住历史机遇,开创网络教育发展的新局面.pdf

