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2018年第3期  点击:[]

王向旭1 魏顺平2

(1.国家开放大学 教育研究院 ,北京 100039;2.国家开放大学 信息化部,北京 100039)

【摘 要】2017年10月16至19日,国际开放与远程教育理事会(ICDE)第27届世界大会在加拿大多伦多召开。大会探讨了在数字化时代背景下如何对教与学的各个方面进行重新审视,以满足学生当前及未来的需要,实现联合国全民优质教育的可持续发展目标。大会划分了五大主题,分别探讨了在线教育领域新兴的教学法和教学设计、扩大教育机会、开放性和灵活性、评价模式的改革、新型教学工具和学习资源和机构运行模式的重新设计等方面的问题。中国国家开放大学在本次大会上被授予“杰出机构奖”。本文对大会的总体情况、主要议题、主旨发言和代表性会议论文的内容观点、会议论文呈现出的国际远程教育研究的特点与趋势进行了概括和分析。


Re-thinking Teaching and Learning in a Digital Age: Review on the 27th ICDE World Conference

WANG Xiangxu1 and WEI Shunping2

(1.Institute of Education Studies, Open University of China, Beijing 100039,China;2.Department for Informatization, Open University of China, Beijing 100039,China)

Abstract: The 27th World Conference of International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) was held in Toronto, Canada from 16th to 19th October, 2017. Delegates from all over the world discussed how online, open, and fl exible learning is being used to respond to the current and future needs of students and achieving United Nations’ sustainable development goal of quality education for all. The Conference seeks to explore the following fi ve highlighted areas: Emerging Pedagogies and Designs for Online Learning;Expanding Access, Openness and Flexibility; Changing Models of Assessment; New Delivery Tools and Resources for Learning;Re-designed Institutional Business Models. The Open University of China won 2017 ICDE Institutional Prize of Excellence during this conference. This paper made a general summary of all the fi ve tracks of the conference and the speeches by the fi ve keynote-speakers, and analyzed the characteristics and trends of international distance education research.

Keywords: digital; teaching and learning; online learning; ICDE

下载地址:   数字化时代对教与学的重新审视.pdf

