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2021年第2期  点击:[]


(北京师范大学 远程教育研究中心,北京 100875)

【摘 要】未来学校不存在固定的模式,在不同的历史时期具有不同的内涵与特征。本研究运用科学计量法、知识图谱法和内容分析法等分析方法,梳理了近十年未来学校研究领域的发展现状与变化。研究发现,2014年以后,有关未来学校的文章数量以倍速增长,研究内容多集中在义务教育阶段,研究者一直较为关注“课程体系”与“学习空间”的变革。研究进一步建立未来学校六维分析框架,梳理样本内容后发现:未来学校从教育理念上强调个性化与开放共享;从学习空间上强调空间的融合性与智能化;从教与学方式上强调服务于学生的个性化学习;从课程体系上聚焦学生核心素养与关键能力的发展,强调课程整合与个性化;从组织管理上强调精准化与开放性;从学习评价上强调全要素评价与多主体评价等,希望为后续的实践探索提供借鉴。


Focus of Future School Research in China Recent Ten Years: Both Visualized and Content Analysis Based on Publications from CNKI

BAO Tingting

(The Research Center of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China )

Abstract:There is no fixed pattern in the future school, which has different connotations and characteristics in different historical periods. In this article, scientific measurement, knowledge map analysis and content analysis are used to sort out the development status and changes of the research field of future school in recent ten years. It is found that after 2014, the number of articles about future school increased, with research content mainly focused on the compulsory education stage, and researchers had been paying more attention to the reform of “curriculum system” and “learning space”. This article establishes a six-dimensional classification framework for future school research and finds out that In the future, schools will be focusing on individualization and open sharing, integration and intelligent of the space, individualized learning, development of students’ core literacy and key abilities, accuracy and openness of organization and management, the whole factor evaluation and multi-agent evaluation, etc. It is expected to improve the theoretical system of future school development, and also provide guidance for follow-up practices.

Keywords:future school; future education; content analysis; visualized analysis; research hotspots

下载:  我国近十年未来学校研究热点.pdf

