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2023年第5期  点击:[]

张婧婧  黄一橙 

(北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875) 

【摘  要】教育研究者应该始终牢记教育初心,真正关注教育事业,并致力于解决实际的教育问题。研究选题实际 上是一个循序渐进的过程,从一般的教育主题逐渐聚焦到提出具体的研究问题,以解决教育问题为使命,而研究设计则 是将提出的研究问题进一步转化为可实施的教育研究项目的关键步骤,是任何研究中的核心部分。研究选题与研究设计 作为教育研究中的两个重要的方面,研究者需重视对问题意识和问题陈述的培养,以便厘清不同概念的内涵、明确选题 的原则、掌握适用的研究范式与方法,从而真正致力于解决现实中重要的教育问题。 


Educational Research Proposal and Design:Mapping the Journey from Educational Problem to Problem Statement 

ZHANG Jingjing and HUANG Yicheng 

(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China) 

Abstract: Education researchers should consistently bear in mind their underlying educational aspirations, genuinely prioritize their dedication to the field of education, and actively strive to resolve educational problems. The process of writing research proposal represents a gradual and systematic approach, commencing with broad educational themes and progressively narrowing down to the formulation of specific research questions aimed at addressing educational problems. Meanwhile, research design plays a pivotal role in transforming the proposed research questions into implementable educational research projects, serving as the cornerstone of any research problem. Acknowledged as two critical components of educational research, research proposal and research design necessitate a conscientious training of problem awareness and the ability to articulate problem statement. This training process facilitates a solid understanding of the meaning of divergent concepts, the principles for research proposal, and the appropriate research paradigms and methodologies. Only through these endeavors can education researchers genuinely commit themselves to addressing the pressing educational problems situated in the real world. 

Keywords: educational research; educational problem; research design; research proposal; problem statement

下载: 教育研究中的选题与设计:问题意识与问题陈述.pdf

