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2024年第3期  点击:[]

荣新龙1  郑旭东2*

(1.江苏师范大学 智慧教育研究中心,江苏 徐州 221116;2.江苏师范大学 江苏省教育信息化工程技术研究中心,江苏 徐州 221116)

【摘  要】学习领导者对群体学习具有重要影响,能够引导、组织和促进协作学习活动,而共享调节能力作为一种重要的社会性能力,有利于个体在团队合作及学习中取得成功。为了探究学习领导者的共享调节能力水平影响协作问题解决的过程及其效果,研究实施了一项为期9周的准实验。研究揭示:高共享调节学习领导者通过强调资源共享与行动规范,能有效塑造团队稳定互动;在任务执行方面,高共享调节能力组展现出更佳的计划效率、监控共享及时序管理能力;学习领导者的共享调节能力显著影响团队协作问题解决的效果。研究建议应优化团队认知资源共享机制,构建规范化协作问题解决框架,强化团队自我调节与共享监控意识,以提高协作问题解决效率,提升学习者的学习效果。


A Study on the Impact of Learning Leaders’ Shared Moderation Skills on Collaborative Problem Solving

RONG Xinlong1and ZHENG Xudong2*

(1. Smart Education Research Center, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China; 2. Jiangsu Engineering Technology Research Center of ICT in Education, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China)

Abstract: Learning leaders have a significant impact on group learning in guiding, organizing and facilitating collaborative learning activities. Shared regulation, as an important social competency, facilitates individual success in teamwork and learning. A 9-week quasi-experiment was conducted to investigate how learning leaders’level of shared regulation (high vs. low) affects collaborative problem solving and its effectiveness. It was revealed that learning leaders with high levels of shared regulation were effective in shaping stable team interactions by emphasizing resource sharing and action norms; in terms of task execution, the high ability group demonstrated better planning efficiency, monitoring and sharing, and timely sequence management; and learning leader’s shared regulation significantly affected the effectiveness of collaborative problem solving. It is suggested that the team’s cognitive resource sharing mechanism being optimized, a standardized collaborative problem-solving framework being constructed, and the team’s awareness of self-regulation and shared monitoring being strengthened, in order to improve collaborative problem solving efficiency and enhance the learning effect.

Keywords: collaborative problem solving; regulatory learning; shared regulation behavior; learning leader

下载: 学习领导者的共享调节能力对协作问题解决的影响研究.pdf

