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2020年第4期  点击:[]

张增琳1 齐婧琳1 秦毓梅2

(1.北京市平谷区和合社会工作事务所,北京 101200;2.中华女子学院,北京 100200)

【摘 要】新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情爆发以来,我国进行了有效的疫情防控,将传染途径控制到最少、治愈率上升到最高,成就了一个个奇迹数字,其中展示出来的整体性治理思维值得探讨。本研究使用参与式观察法、访谈法等研究方法,通过对北京市参与疫情防控的多家社会组织走访调研,深入了解专业社会工作机构在疫情防控过程中的举措。研究发现:专业社会工作机构主要通过多元公共产品供给和多种形式政社合作介入突发卫生公共事件中,具有显著成效,有效提升了防疫的广度、深度和温度。但介入过程中依然存在合法身份受限带来的有限参与、边缘化位置带来的专业无的放矢、联动机制不足带来实然层面主体缺失等碎片化治理问题。对此提出三点建议:一是从整合角度促进自身建设,以提供更优质的公共物品;二是从协调角度,扩大成效宣传,以提升公众对专业社工认知度;三是从责任层面政府应将社会组织纳入到整体治理体系,以促进多元主体参与。


Research on Social Work Intervention of Public Health Emergencies from the Perspective of Holistic Governance Theory

ZHANG Zenglin1, QI Jinglin1 and QIN Yumei2

(1.Beijing Pinggu Hehe Social Work Office, Beijing 101200, China; 2. China Women's University, Beijing 100200, China)

Abstract:Since the outbreak of COVID-19, China has carried out effective epidemic prevention and control, with possible infection route controlled, and cure rate highest raised. The holistic governance theoretical thinking shown here is worth studying and discussing.Participatory observation methods, interview methods and other research methods are used. Through visiting and surveying many social organizations participating in the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic in Beijing, it is aimed to better understand the measures taken by professional social work organizations in the process of epidemic prevention and control. It is found that professional social work organizations mainly involved in public health emergencies through multiple public product supply and various forms of government and social cooperation, with remarkable results, effectively improving the breadth, depth and temperature of epidemic prevention. However, in the process of intervention, there are still fragmented governance issues exists, such as limited participation due to limited legal status, untargeted professionalism brought by marginalized positions, and insufficient linkage mechanisms, resulting in the lack of entities at the actual level. Three suggestions are provided: firstly, promoting self-construction from the perspective of integration to provide better public goods; secondly, expanding the effectiveness of publicity from the perspective of coordination to enhance public awareness of professional social workers; thirdly, incorporateing social organizations into the overall governance system from the level of responsibility, to promote the participation of multiple subjects.

Keywords:public health emergencies; social work intervention; holistic governance; government and social cooperation

下载:  整体性治理理论视角下突发卫生公共事件的社会工作介入研究.pdf

