周 莹1 王志美2
(1.北京开放大学 教育学院,北京 100081;2.北京开放大学 商学院,北京 100081)
【摘 要】在针对学习者参与的研究中,最核心的问题是如何激发学习者的动机,计算机支持的协作学习(CSCL)通过技术实现知识的实时共享、促进学习者的互动互助,然而CSCL环境中的动机更为复杂。目前国内计算机支持的协作学习环境下开展的动机研究不足,因而以2009年至2018年间发布于SSCI和SCI收录期刊的相关论文为研究对象,筛选出50篇实证研究论文,围绕理论基础、动机维度、影响动机的技术性和非技术性因素等方面系统梳理了国外CSCL环境下开展的动机研究进展,为国内CSCL领域下的动机研究提供参考。
Trends and Researches of Motivation Research in Computer-supported Collaborative Learning Abroad
ZHOU Ying1 and WANG Zhimei2
(1. College of Education, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China; 2. College of Economics and Management, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract:Computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL)examines ways to promote student collaboration through technology. Motivation is an important factor in learning and collaboration, whereas few studies systematically clarify the results of academic studies to reveal the motivational constructs and their impact in technology supported environment. This article provided a comprehensive review of the constructs of motivation in CSCL, including the empirical evidence and educational practice, and clarified the direction of research on motivational factors and supported the development of CSCL. Research articles published in SCI and SSCI journals in this field from 2009 to 2018 are reviewed and an in-depth analysis of 50 studies is conducted. The results showed that most of the participants were university students who were invited to form a large group (more than five members)to learn knowledge in the subjects of engineering and computer science or social science. From these studies, 27 concepts describing motivation were summarized. Most of the literature uses quantitative studies such as questionnaires to quantify motivation and investigate the causal relationship between variables. Most studies provide scientific evidence and demonstrate the utility of software. The empirical research mainly focuses on analyzing the antecedents and consequences of learning motivation at the individual level and the collective level, respectively, based on psychological characteristics. In terms of technology and platform design, methods for promoting learning motivation are investigated. From the course activity design, a method for improving learning motivation is defined. A framework and directions in future research are also proposed.
Keywords:learning motivation; computer-supported collaborative learning(CSCL); pedagogical issues; research progress