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2023年第3期  点击:[]

来建新1 孙洪涛2 曹建国3 何歆怡4* 谢 浩4

(1.清华大学 公共管理学院,北京 100084;2.北京师范大学 校务数据管理中心,北京 100875;3.河南省信阳市固始县教育体育局,河南 信阳,465200;4.北京师范大学 远程教育研究中心,北京 100875)

【摘 要】数据成为一种新型生产要素,对数据全面与深度的分析为教育治理现代化提供了新动能。在此背景下,教育实践一线中涌现出了大量数据驱动教育治理的创新探索与鲜活经验。在cMOOC“‘互联网+教育’与教育数字化转型”课程社区,以话题为线索,以问题为抓手,汇聚了大量实践中的鲜活经验智慧。本文基于对参与者在该cMOOC主题七“互联网助力教育治理现代化”中的博客与互动文本的挖掘,以及对北京市超大城市空间治理、河南固始教育治理探索与北京师范大学校务数据治理等典型案例的分析,从行动理念、应用模式、技术支撑、推进机制与成效挑战五个方面,总结提炼了一线实践者各具特色的改革创新探索,以期为后续其他地区持续推进数据驱动的教育治理实践提供参考。


Practical Models and Advancing Mechanisms of Data-Driven Educational Governance

LAI Jianxin1, SUN Hongtao2, CAO Jianguo3, HE Xinyi4* and XIE Hao4

(1. School of Public Policy & Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;2. Data Management Center, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China; 3. Gushi County Education and Sports Bureau, Xinyang 465200, China;4. Research Center of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract:Data, a new factor of production, have becoming new impetus for modernization of educational governance through comprehensive and in-depth analysis. In this context, numerous innovative explorations and vibrant experiences of data-driven educational governance have emerged in frontline educational practices. A wealth of practical wisdom based on topics and problem-solving approaches has gathered in The cMOOC 7.0 course community, themed on“Internet Plus Education”and educational digital transformation. Based on the exploration of participants’ blogs and interactive texts in Theme 7 of cMOOC 7.0“Internet Empowering Modern Educational Governance”, as well as on analysis of typical cases such as the mega-city special governance in Beijing, educational governance exploration in Gushi, Henan, and data governance in Beijing Normal University’s school affairs, This article summarizes and extracts distinctive reform and innovation explorations from frontline practitioners in terms of action concepts, application models, technological support, promotion mechanisms, and challenges in achieving effectiveness. It is aimed to provide references for continuous advancements of future data-driven educational governance practices in other regions.

Keywords:data driven; education governance; collective intelligence; cMOOC

下载: 数据驱动教育治理的实践模式与推进机制.pdf

