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2023年第4期  点击:[]

刘  沛  余  亮  韩易霏 

(西南大学 教育学部,重庆 400715) 

【摘  要】机器人课程对教师知识结构和课堂指导力度要求较高,传统单一教师授课的教学模式往往难以满足其课 程需求。在该背景下,双师教学凭借其对师生双方主体需求的关注,在一定程度上可为学校机器人课程的开展提供新视 角。基于此,为提高小学机器人课程教学效果,本研究在分析面向小学机器人课程的双师教学内涵与类型的基础上,基 于机器人课堂教学流程,构建了面向小学机器人课程的双师教学策略,并以重庆市某小学的“优必选机器人”社团活动 为实践场所开展教学实践,采用量化研究和质性研究相结合的方式对策略的成效进行了分析。实践表明,面向小学机器 人课程的双师教学策略相较于传统教学策略而言,更有助于发展学生的计算思维,改进机器人课程的教学质量。 


Research on Dual-Teacher Teaching Strategies for Primary School Robotics Courses 

LIU Pei, YU Liang and HAN Yifei 

(Department of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China) 

Abstract: Robot courses require instructors’full knowledge structure and classroom leadership, while it might be challenging for an instructor to achieve using traditional teaching strategies. Dual-teacher instruction, focusing on the requirements of both instructors and students, is expected to provide a unique perspective on school robot courses innovation. After analyzing connotation and type of dual-teacher teaching of primary school robotics courses, this article constructs a dual-teacher teaching strategy for primary school robotics courses based on the teaching process of robot classrooms. The UBTECH Robot club activity of a primary school in Chongqing was used as a practice site for teaching practice, in evaluating the effectiveness of the strategy by combining quantitative and qualitative research data. It is showed that the dual-teacher teaching technique for primary school robotics courses is more favorable in fostering students’ computational thinking and increasing quality of robotics courses than traditional teaching strategies. 

Keywords: primary school; robotics courses; dual-teacher teaching; teaching strategies

下载: 面向小学机器人课程的双师教学策略研究.pdf

