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2024年第1期  点击:[]


(阿萨巴斯卡大学 计算机与信息系统学院,加拿大 阿萨巴斯卡 T9S 3A3)

肖俊洪 译

【摘 要】在线教育中,教师经常沿用面授教学方法,学校则复制针对面授教学而设置的各种制度和结构,虽然这些制度和结构的原本唯一目的是解决物理空间环境下教学所产生的问题。与此同时,学习技术的开发和使用主要是为了建设旨在复制具备校园学习环境特点的虚拟学习环境,结果复制的是面授教师在物理环境下不得不解决的问题,而且复制得很蹩脚。这是一个制造问题和解决问题的恶性循环,对谁都没有好处。把我们为了支持学习而建设的在线学习系统比喻为“环境”有误导之嫌,因为这种认识限制了我们在教学方法上的选择和借助技术解决问题的能力。本文采用基础设施和服务这个比喻,以便能够使用更能体现灵活性、学习者驱动和数字原生的方法设计支持学习的系统(包括工具、教学方法和结构)。


The Problematic Metaphor of the Environment in Online Learning

Jon Dron

(School of Computing & Information Systems , Athabasca University, Athabasca, T9S 3A3, Canada)

Abstract: In online education, teachers often replicate pedagogical methods, and educational institutions replicate systems and structures used by their in-person counterparts, the only purpose of which was to solve problems created by having to teach in a physical environment. At the same time, a great deal of the development and use of learning technologies has focused on creating virtual learning environments that attempt to replicate features of their physical counterparts, thereby weakly replicating in software the problems that in-person teachers had to solve. This has led to a vicious circle of problem creation and problem solving that benefits no one. It is argued in this paper that the term “environment” is a dangerously misleading metaphor for the online systems we build to support learning, which leads to poor pedagogical choices and weak digital solutions. An alternative metaphor of infrastructure and services is proposed that can enable more flexible, more learner-driven, and more digitally native ways of designing systems (including the tools, pedagogies, and structures) to support learning.

Keywords: online learning; learning environment; learning management system (LMS); Next Generation Digital Learning Environment (NGDLE); personal learning environment (PLE); learning infrastructure

下载: 在线学习环境:隐喻问题与系统改进.pdf

