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[新西兰]布莱恩•芬德森(Brian Findsen)

(新西兰怀卡托大学 教育学院,新西兰 汉密尔顿 3240)

吴亚婕 苑大勇 编译

【摘 要】随着新西兰人口日益老龄化,老年教育成为社会关注的重点。新西兰老年教育普遍采用非正规学习的方式,其终身学习的目的具有多样化、普及性等特点。大多终身学习研究都是围绕推进经济发展、促进个人发展、培养积极的公民、提升社会的包容性等方面开展。新西兰的高等教育机构、成人与社区教育机构以及工作场所都参与开展老年教育,老年教育体现出多层次性。此外,基金会等组织也扮演着重要的政策推进角色,积极老龄化成为政策重点。


New Zealand Older People Education: Context and Policy Overview

Brian Findsen

(University of Waikato,Hamilton 3240, New Zealand)

Abstract: In New Zealand and rest of the world, the aging population and the education for the older people has become a social problem. The learning model of New Zealand’s older education is through informal learning activities. The purpose of lifelong learning is diverse, most of them are focuses on promoting economic development, promoting personal development, cultivating active citizens, and enhancing the inclusiveness of society etc. New Zealand’s higher education institutions, adult and community education institutions, and workplaces are all educating older people. Older education are multiple levels, active ageing has become a policy priority, and the foundations are become important roles.

Keywords: New Zealand; older people education; active ageing; policy

下载地址:    新西兰老年教育:现状与政策概览.pdf

