(北京开放大学 人文与教育学院,北京 100081)
【摘 要】本文在多模态理论视域下,构建以“五位一体”的多模态教学环境为基础,“产出为导向”的多模态评价体系为驱动,“设计学习”理念下多模态学习活动为核心的多模态翻转课堂教学模式(MFCM),以解决原“大学英语”课程应用型人才培养目标实现不理想的教学问题。为期两学期的实证研究初步证明,多模态翻转课堂教学模式(MFCM)能够显著提高英语学习的效果, 特别是口语应用能力,学生对该教学模式满意度较高。多模态翻转课堂教学模式(MFCM)的构建与实践是多模态外语教学理论与翻转课堂在“大学英语”课程教学中的融合与创新应用,为提升“大学英语”应用型人才培养的质量,增强学生学习动机和兴趣,提高多元识读能力、协作能力和自主学习能力,优化“互联网+教育”时代混合式教学的实施路径与方法提供了实践参考。
Construction and Application of Multimodal Flipped Classroom Model in College English
ZHAO Chunrong
(College of Humanity and Education, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China)
Abstract:From the perspective of the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, based on multimodal learning environment, driven by production-oriented multimodal formative assessment measures, guided by multimodal design-based framework, this research constructs a Multimodal Flipped Classroom Model (MFCM), so as to improve the insufficiency in achieving application-oriented teaching objectives in College English Course. A two-semester empirical study and qualitative data analysis have preliminarily shown that Multimodal Flipped Classroom Model (MFCM) can significantly improve English learning efficiency, especially students’ oral English proficiency. Students are highly satisfied with this teaching model. The construction of Multimodal Flipped Classroom Model (MFCM) is the integration and innovative application of the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies and Flipped Classroom Model in College English Course, with the aim of promoting students’ English application ability, learning motivation, multiliteracy, cooperative learning and self-regulated learning ability. In optimizing the implementation pathways of blended learning in the era of Internet+ education, this research provides a practical reference.
Keywords:multimodal; flipped classroom; Multimodal Flipped Classroom Model; College English