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2017年第6期  点击:[]

李 炜

(北京语言大学 网络教育学院,北京 100083)

【摘 要】对在岗或即将上岗教师的培训具有短期、速成以及高效的特点,是缓解目前汉语国际教育教师短缺的重要手段。互联网、移动互联网等信息技术的快速发展以及MOOC学习浪潮的兴起为汉语国际教育教师远程培训带来了新的发展机遇,但是如何开展汉语国际教育教师远程培训需要认真思考和研究。本研究聚焦汉语国际教育教师培训需求,对汉语国际教育教师远程培训流程的设计要素以及培训需求与这些设计要素之间的关系进行了深入分析,并以ICTP项目为例,设计出了一个汉语国际教育教师远程培训流程体系。期望能够为相关机构汉语国际教育教师远程培训流程设计或优化提供一定的参考。


Training Procedure Design for Teachers of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages Based on Needs Analysis

LI Wei

(Network Education Institute of Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

Abstract: The training for in-service and upcoming teachers is characterized by being short-termed, instant and effi cient, and it is an important way to alleviate the shortage of teachers of teaching Chinese to speakers of other languages (TCSOL). The rapid development of information technology such as Internet, mobile Internet and the rise of MOOC learning has brought new opportunities for distance training of TCSOL teacher, but how to carry out distance training of TCSOL teachers is a problem that worth studying. This study focuses on training needs of TCSOL teachers, by analyzing the design elements of the distance training procedures for TCSOL teachers, and the relationship between training requirements and design elements. By taking the ICTP project as an example, we devises a process system of distance training for TCSOL teachers. We expect to provide references for relevant institutions in designing and optimizing the distance training procedure of TCSOL teachers.

Keywords: teachers of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages; needs analysis; distance training procedure design

下载地址:    基于需求分析的汉语国际教育教师远程培训流程设计.pdf

