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2024年第1期  点击:[]

杨钦晨 詹泽慧

(华南师范大学 教育信息技术学院,广东 广州 510631)

【摘 要】人类社会传统的纸笔手写方式具有悠久的历史和深厚的文化意义。然而,信息时代技术与教育深度融合引发的“提笔忘字”、汉字失认症以及学习者身心健康等潜在问题亟需引起重视。本研究对国内外相关文献进行内容分析,从研究方法和研究证据两方面,梳理了“手写”和“键入”两种书写方式对学习者写作、阅读、记忆和精细运动等能力产生的影响,旨在阐明书写方式与学习者认知发展的关系。研究发现,相比键盘输入和电子书写,传统纸笔手写方式更有利于学习者的认知学习。然而,在个别学习阶段及语言文化背景下,键入的方式对于学习者的学习表现有促进作用,对于书写困难学习者也有积极影响。未来可在更广泛的年龄阶段、语言背景下扩展研究,并关注新型书写技术的发展,开展多模态数据融合的学习分析,为书写工具的设计和应用提供更多实证支撑。这一研究对于教育研究者理性认识新兴技术在学习者认知学习中的作用具有重要的启示意义。


"Handwriting" or "Typing"? The Impact of Writing Modalities on Mechanisms and Evidence of Cognitive Learning

YANG Qinchen and ZHAN Zehui*

(School of Information Technology in Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China)

Abstract: The conventional modality of written expression in human societies, encompassing the manual use of pen and paper, stands as an age-old practice steeped in cultural and aesthetic significance. Nevertheless, the pervasive amalgamation of technology and education trend has precipitated apprehensions concerning psychosomatic health of juveniles, concurrently shedding light on the phenomenon of “script amnesia” and its underlying implications for Chinese character recognition disorders, thus underscoring the exigency for heightened scrutiny. This article, drawing upon prior research methodologies and findings in the field of psychology, explored the influence of two writing methods, handwriting and keyboard input, on learners’ cognitive abilities, encompassing writing skills, reading comprehension, memory functions, and fine motor skills, aiming to elucidate the relationship between writing methods and learners’cognitive functions. Research findings revealed that, in comparison to keyboard input and tablet electronic writing, traditional handwriting yielded a greater body of evidence supporting its positive cognitive effects. However, keyboard input also demonstrated a positive impact on learners’ performance, particularly in specific learning stages and within particular language-cultural contexts. This is especially significant for learners facing handwriting difficulties. Research could be conducted within a broader range of age groups and language backgrounds, identifying suitable contexts for diverse writing methods in education. Evolution of new writing technologies and the fusion of multimodal data within the realm of learning science could be focused more. This will facilitate technological progress in more efficiently advancing education while providing comprehensive theoretical and empirical support for the design and practical application of writing tools in future educational technology.

Keywords: handwriting; keyboarding/typing; learners; educational technology; cognition

下载: “手写”还是“键入”?书写方式影响认知学习的机制与证据.pdf

