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2018年第5期  点击:[]

韩 斌

(北京开放大学 创意设计学院 ,北京 100081)

【摘 要】努力发展全民教育、终身教育,让每个公民获得发展自身、奉献社会、造福人民的机会和能力,这是新时期国家对于教育的明确要求。随着未来人才结构的变化,在线教育的服务对象也不再是传统意义上的学习者,在线教育的目标便成为需要进一步研究的问题。文章探讨了在线教育要在高尚教育与实利教育之间,知识、技能教育和创新教育之间,个人目标与社会目标之间寻求平衡的现实使命。研究提出了在线教育的最终目标不是一个狭隘的商业目标,而是培养“完整的人”。在追求这个最终目标的过程中,在线教育应当广泛呵护社会的创新基因,提供更加开放而包容的教育服务。


The Goal of Online Education: to Cultivate “the Whole Man”


(College of Innovation and Design, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China)

Abstract:Strive to develop education for all and lifelong education, make each citizen have the opportunity and ability to develop himself, contribute to society, and benefi t the public, is a clear requirement to Chinese education in the new era. With the change of talent structure in the future, the service target of online education is no longer traditional learner, so the goal of online education has become an issue for further research. The article explores the realistic mission of online education for seeking a balance between the noble education and for-profi t education, vocational skills education and innovative education, personal goals and social goals, suggests that the final goal of online education should not be a simple commercial purpose, but to cultivate “the Whole Man”. In the process of pursuing this final goal, online education should also broadly cultivate the society’s innovative genes, and provide more open and inclusive education services.

Keywords:online education; educational goals; the whole man; offl ine education

下载地址:  在线教育的目标:培养完整的人.pdf

