崔向平 陆禹文 赵 冲
(兰州大学 信息科学与工程学院,甘肃 兰州,730000)
【摘 要】近年来,随着教育信息化的不断推进以及学习科学的不断发展,如何利用信息技术促进学习者深度学习成为教育技术学界的热门话题。协作式开放在线教程(Collaborative Open Online Course),即基于互联网的协作式开放在线教程,是MOOC在教材编写环节中的延伸,为促进学习者深度学习提供了新的思路。本文论述了COOC的主要功能对深度学习的支持,并以基于项目的学习理论为指导,构建了COOC支撑下的深度学习过程模型。通过具体实践,分析了该模型的应用效果,以期为深度学习的有效开展提供参考,并为MOOC的动态教材编写提供支持。
Research on the Design and Practice of Deep Learning Process Based on COOC
CUI Xiangping, LU Yuwen and ZHAO Chong
(School of Information Science & Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000, China)
Abstract: In recent years, with the continuous advancement of education informationization and the continuous development of learning science, how to use information technology to promote students’deep learning has become a hot topic in education technology. COOC, a collaborative open online course based on the Internet, it is an extension of MOOC in the compilation of courses and provides new ideas to promote students’deep learning. This paper discusses COOC’s support for deep learning and constructs the deep learning process model supported by COOC, under the guidance of project learning theory, the deep learning process model supported by COOC is constructed.Through concrete practice, the application effect of this model is analyzed, so as to provide reference for the effective development of deep learning and provide support for the development of dynamic MOOC courses.
Keywords: COOC; deep learning; PBL; MOOC