(香港大学 教育应用资讯科技发展研究中心,香港 999077)
【摘 要】技术领域的创新未必都能够得到广泛的接纳和应用,这不单纯是技术水平高低的问题,更重要的是,任何对社会有重大影响的创新,必定需要社会各方面相适应的改变来配合。过去二十年来数字教育技术有了不少的变革、创新,但是对课堂及学生学习的影响仍然非常有限。本文以社会技术协同发展为理论框架,以2011年~2014年香港电子学习试验计划为例,分析在什么条件下电子学习创新才能有效、持续地发展。
E -Learning Innovations from a Sociotechnical Co-evolution Perspective
Nancy W Y Law
(Centre for Information Technology in Education, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077, China)
Abstract: There are many technological innovations that may not be widely accepted and adopted to create impact on the society at large. This is not simply a question of the quality or innovativeness of the technological inventions. For any innovation to have a signifi cant impact on society, it must be accompanied by an adaptive change in all of the related aspects in society. Digital educational technology has undergone many changes and innovations in the past two decades, but its impact on student and classroom learning is still very limited. This paper takes sociotechnical co-evolution as the theoretical framework and the e-learning pilot program launched by the Hong Kong SAR in 2011-14 as the context for analyzing the conditions under which e-learning innovations can be effectively and continuously sustained and developed.
Keywords: learning innovations; sociotechnical co-evolution; social technical niche; architecture for learning