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2019年第2期  点击:[]


(美国学校网络联合会,美国 华盛顿特区 20005)

季瑞芳 吴莎莎 张春华 李国云 编译

【摘 要】美国学校网络联合会作为联合创始人和主要合伙人,以全新的视角推出了《基础教育创新驱动力报告》。它是继收官于2017年《新媒体联盟地平线报告》(基础教育版)之后,继承其研究理念与方法发布的最新版本。报告将于年度内推出三个专题报告,分别关注技术应用于教育所面临的挑战、发展趋势和技术驱动。本篇作为第一个专题报告,聚焦驱动基础教育创新的五项挑战,即保持并扩大创新、数字公平、技术应用与教学技能的差距、不间断的专业发展、技术与未来的工作。报告重点从探索挑战、潜力预测、如何克服、调研反馈四个方面对其中的两大挑战——技术应用与教学技能的差距、技术与未来的工作,进行详细阐释和分析,以期为未来教育技术应用于教学提供全新的视角。


How New Technologies Promote Teaching Reform—Driving K-12 Innovation (Hurdles)

The Consortium for School Networking

(The Consortium for School Networking, Washington, D.C. 20005, USA)

Abstract: Driving K-12 Innovation is another edition of Horizon Report from New Media Consortium in 2017. As the co-founder and main partner of the report, CoSN (Consortium for School Networking) has developed Horizon Report-K-12 from a new perspective. The report will release three focused reports and elaborate on hurdles, accelerators and tech enablers of innovation. As the fi rst focused report, this paper highlights on five challenges that drive innovation in K-12, namely, scaling and sustaining innovation, digital equity, the gap between technology and pedagogy, ongoing professional development, technology and the future of work. This report explained and analyzed in detail on the gap between technology and pedagogy and the future of work from four aspects, which are the exploration of challenges, future prediction, how to overcome them, and research feedback. This report aims at providing a new perspective for future application of educational technology in teaching and innovation.

Keywords: Horizon Report; K-12; innovation driving; challenge; technology

下载:  新技术如何推动教学变革.pdf

