赵 宏 郑勤华
(北京师范大学 远程教育研究中心,北京 100875)
【摘 要】当前,我国继续教育进入了发展新时代,面临着发展新形势,承担着发展新使命,也进入了综合改革的攻坚期、提高质量的关键期和内涵发展的转型期。北京师范大学远程教育研究中心作为独立于政府和办学机构的第三方机构,利用文本挖掘技术,对我国高等学校继续教育发展年度报告进行了深入分析,力求以报告为基础客观反映我国高校继续教育发展现状、取得的成绩及存在的问题。研究发现:我国高校继续教育总体质量处于中等水平,在“愿景与使命”“研究与创新”“专业建设”“课程设计与开发”四个维度表现较好,而在“学习支持与学生管理”“内部质量保证”和“师资队伍”三个维度分值较低。最后针对研究结果,提出了对应的发展建议。
Analysis on the Development of Continuing Education in China Based on Text Mining
ZHAO Hong and ZHENG Qinhua
(Research Center of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract: At present, continuing education has entered a new developing era, in which opportunities and challenges coexist. Research Center of Distance Education in Beijing Normal University, as a third-party institution which is independent from the government and continuing educational institutions, made an in-depth analysis of the reports submit by continuing educational institutions in China by using text mining. On the basis of the reports analysis, this study tried to refl ect the status of continuing education, including the achievements and the existing problems, and to give suggestions for further development.
Keywords: continuing education; third-party evaluation; text mining; quality assurance