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2023年第1期  点击:[]

谢仕兴1  张  钰2  于  颖3* 

(1.曲阜师范大学 音乐学院,山东 日照 276826; 2.九江市博物馆,江西 九江 332000; 3.曲阜师范大学 传媒学院,山东 日照 276826) 【摘  要】成人数字技能已成为当今世界各国国际竞争力和软实力的关键指标,为应对数字时代成人数字技能 不断发展的新要求和新挑战,国际上针对如何发展成人数字技能已做了诸多值得借鉴的探索。本研究聚焦成人教 育起步较早的英国,分析了其近期发布的《基础数字技能国家标准》。该《标准》先后经历了三次演进,最终形 成了包括使用设备和处理信息、创建与编辑、交流、交易以及安全且负责地上网等五个领域的成人数字技能教育 体系。为了关照不同起点的成人,每个领域又分为入门级和一级两个水平。英国成人数字技能教育改革在以下方 面对我国成人数字技能教育具有借鉴意义:服务国家战略,研制国家标准;立足发展阶段,探索成人数字技能教 育进阶路径;紧扣成人生活,围绕问题解决开展数字技能教育;打造适需服务,灵活评估成人数字学习效果。 


How is Adult Digital Skills Education in the Digital Age Possible: Highlights and Enlightenment of “National Standards for Essential Digital Skills UK” 

XIE Shixing1,ZHANG Yu2 and YU Ying3* 

(1. School of Music, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China; 2. Jiujiang City Museum, Jiujiang 332000, China; 3. School of Communication, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China) 

Abstract: Adult digital skills have become a key indicator of international competitiveness and soft power of all countries. In order to meet new requirements and challenges in the digital era, many explorations have been made on adult digital skills development. This article focuses on the UK, a pioneer in adult education, and analyzes its recently released “National Standards for Essential Digital Skills”. It has undergone three evolutions, and finally formed an adult digital skills education system in five areas, including using devices and handling information, creating and editing, communicating, transacting, and being safe and responsible online. Each field is divided into entry level and level One for adults of different backgrounds. Adult digital skills education reform in the UK gives the following implications: serving the national strategy and developing national standards; exploring the advanced path of adult digital skills education based on the development stage; focusing on adult life and developing digital skills education around problem solving; creating on-demand services and flexibly assessing the effects of adult digital learning. 

Keywords: digital skills; digital literacy; adult education; Digital China; national standards

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