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2021年第6期  点击:[]


 (北京师范大学 远程教育研究中心,北京 100875) 

【摘  要】新冠肺炎疫情期间的大规模在线教学对数字资源的供给服务能力进行了一场突击考试,也为优化资 源建设和资源供给提供了难得的历史契机。本研究旨在揭示我国中小学教师在新冠肺炎疫情期间数字资源使用的偏 好。研究采用问卷调查的方法,收回有效问卷7 082份。研究发现,我国中小学教师对资源类型无明显偏好,而来自 不同发展水平城市的教师在资源来源上具有显著倾向差异。不同发展水平城市的教师对资源的满意度和质量评价存 在显著差异,一线至三线城市教师的评价结果显著优于四、五线及以下城市。最后,对进一步优化我国中小学数字 资源建设与供给模式提出了若干建议,希望能够帮助教育工作者了解我国中小学教师数字资源使用的偏好,为优化 数字教育资源建设与供给提供依据。 


Investigating Digital Education Resource Use Preferences of Primary and Secondary School Teachers during “Disrupted Class, Undisrupted Learning” Period in China 

ZHANG Yuanxin 

 ( Research Center of Distance Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China) 

Abstract:The massive online teaching during COVID-19 pandemic provided an unannounced test on digital resources supply service capacity and a rare historical opportunity to optimize resource construction and provision. This study aimed to reveal preferences of primary and secondary school teachers in using digital resources during COVID-19 in China. A questionnaire survey is conducted with 7 082 valid questionnaires collected. It was found that teachers had no obvious preference for resource types, while teachers from cities with different urban development levels had remarkably differences in resource preference. In terms of satisfaction and evaluation, there were significant differences among teachers from cities at different development levels, with teachers in Tier 1 to Tier 3 cities having significantly better results than those in Tier 4 and 5. Several suggestions for further optimizing the construction and supply model of digital education resources is provided. It is hoped that study findings may help educators understand primary and secondary school teachers’preference of using digital resources, and provide a basis for optimizing construction and supply of digital education resources. 

Keywords:digital education resources; elementary education; online teaching; COVID-19; Disrupted Class, Undisrupted Learning

下载: “停课不停学”期间我国中小学教师数字教育资源使用偏好研究.pdf

