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网络资源与在线平台之教学设计研究 ——基于学习观念变迁的视角

2017年第6期  点击:[]

林倍伊1 吴惠萍2 洪国财3 董艳4 蔡敬新5 洪煌尧6

(1.多伦多大学,加拿大 多伦多 M5S1V6;2. 台湾联合大学,苗栗 36003;3.台中科技大学,台中 404;4.北京师范大学,北京 100875;5.香港中文大学,香港 999077;6.台湾政治大学,台北 11605)

【摘 要】本研究首先讨论“学习”三种观点(获取知识、参与学习、知识创新)的发展变迁,接着讨论学习的三种观点对网络资源或在线学习工具的使用影响,最后通过Blackboard与Knowledge Forum两个在线教学平台例子说明平台所体现的教学设计与三种学习观点的关系。研究认为:第一,知识习得以“获取知识”作为学习的基础,以教师为中心的课程设计,重视学生的学习成效;第二,“参与学习”偏向以学生为中心的课程设计,着重通过学习者的参与程度及表现,提升其学习能力;第三,“知识创新”观点采用渐进课程设计,偏重知识或技能围绕实际生活的创造与应用,认为创造的过程中亦有学习的产生。以上三种观点是学习的一体三面,同等重要。随着信息社会的到来,未来在线学习的发展希望培养学生具有知识创新与合作建构的能力,学习过程中也会有获知学习和参与学习,本研究为未来在线学习的设计提供一定的参考。


Pedagogical design of Internet resources and online learning platforms from a knowledge creation perspective

LIN Beiyi1, WU Huiping2, HONG Guocai3, DONG Yan4, CAI Jingxin5 and HONG Huangyao6

(1.University of Toronto, Toronto M5S1V6, Canada; 2.National United University, Miaoli 36003,China; 3.National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taichung 404 ,China; 4.Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China; 5. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 999077,China;6. National Chengchi University, Taipei 11605 ,China)

Abstract: This article discusses three different perspectives towards learning (including acquisition-oriented, participation-oriented, and creation-oriented perspectives). It also discusses use of Internet resources and related technological tools undergirded by different learning perspectives. In addition, it provides two case examples regarding the pedagogical design of learning platforms (i.e., Blackboard and Knowledge Forum) in relation to the three different learning perspectives. It is suggested that the three perspectives be regarded as complementary rather than contradictory when designing various technology-enhanced learning activities, so as to better help developing among students not only skills to engage in knowledge acquisition and participatory learning, but also competencies for knowledge creation.

Keywords: Web-based learning; knowledge creation; Knowledge Forum; acquisition; participatory learning

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