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2019年第3期  点击:[]

朱志勇 张文琪

(北京师范大学 教育管理学院,北京 100875)

【摘 要】学校仪式相关话题是当前中外教育领域讨论的热点话题之一。学术界将学校仪式视作行动的一方面,以仪式的普遍性特点来认识学校仪式;或视作行动的一种,寻求学校仪式这种特定的行动与发生在学校场域内的其他行动的差异。学校仪式具有象征性、半工具半表达性、表演性、稳定性、形式性等特点。发挥着情感整合并形成“集体”,教育与社会化,承载学校文化等整合功能,以及塑造意识形态和信仰,生产和再生产特定文化,生产和再生产不平等等冲突功能。借鉴仪式的相关研究,提出未来对学校仪式的研究要注意研究方法的实证取向、研究内容的整合与比较以及研究参与者的多层次性。同时,研究者和实践者须勾连学校仪式和教育,对两者的关系作进一步的反思。


Solidaristic or Agonistic: A Sociological Analysis of School Ritual

ZHU Zhiyong and ZHANG Wenqi

(College of Education Administration, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)

Abstract: School ritual is one of the hot topics discussed in the fi eld of education at home and abroad. Scholars identify school ritual as an aspect of action with universal character, or as a type of action comparing with other types of action in schools. School ritual is characterized by symbolism, semi-tool and semi-expression, performance, stability, and formality. It has solidaristic functions, such as emotional integration to form community, education and socialization, and incarnation of school culture. It also has agonistic functions, such as construction of ideology and belief, production and reproduction of mainstream culture, and production and reproduction inequality. Based on the research into rituals, it is proposed that future research on school rituals should pay attention to the empirical orientation of research methods, the integration and comparison of research content, and the multi-level of research participants. At the same time, it is suggested that researchers and practitioners refl ect more on the relationship between school ritual and education.

Keywords: school ritual; action; ritual function

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