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2021年第1期  点击:[]

柴晓运 王 娟

(湖北医药学院 人文社科学院应用心理学系,湖北 十堰 442000)

【摘 要】网络课程在高等教育中越来越盛行,但对课程开发者和教育者而言,如何评估网络课程的质量是一个重要的问题。先前的研究较为重视考察网络学习的认知性结果,如学业成绩和课程有效性。近年来,情感层面的网络学习满意度研究,受到了研究者的关注,成为考察在线教育质量的一个重要指标。本研究以329名参与网络课程学习的大学生为被试开展问卷调查,探讨网络学习效能感对学习满意度的预测作用,并分析元认知调节在二者关系中的中介效应。结果表明:①网络学习效能感和元认知调节显著正向预测学习满意度;②网络学习效能感显著正向预测元认知调节;③元认知调节在网络学习效能感和学习满意度之间起部分中介作用。本研究对未来研究和教育实践具有重要的启示作用。


Online Learning Self-efficacy and Student Satisfaction in Online Education Courses: The Role of Metacognitive Self-regulation

CHAI Xiaoyun and WANG Juan

(Department of Applied Psychology, School of Humanities & Social Science, Hubei University of Medicine, Shiyan 442000, China)

Abstract:Online learning is becoming more prevalent in higher education. Measuring quality of online programs is an important question for curriculum developers. Most previous studies have focused on cognitive outcomes of online learning, such as student achievement and the effectiveness of courses. Recently, student satisfaction as one of affective aspects of online learning has been paid more attention among researchers, which referred as students’ affective aspect regarding online learning experiences and was a key indicator of course and student-related outcomes. This study examined how online learning self-efficacy and metacognitive self-regulation predicted satisfaction in online education courses. Data were collected in a sample of 329 undergraduate students responding to an online survey at the end of one online course. Results showed that online learning self-efficacy and metacognitive self-regulation positively predicted students’ satisfaction with online learning. Moreover, path analysis based on multiple regression results revealed that metacognitive self-regulation partially mediated the effect of online learning self-efficacy on student satisfaction. Future directions, implications and limitations of this study are discussed.

Keywords:online learning; self-efficacy; metacognitive self-regulation; satisfaction

下载:  网络学习效能感对学习满意度的预测:元认知调节的作用.pdf

