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2021年第5期  点击:[]

左晶晶 段鑫星

(中国矿业大学 公共管理学院,江苏 徐州 221116)

【摘 要】游戏化学习已引发广泛关注,在未来的数字化社会中,其将不可避免地成为学习的重要手段与形式。文章基于Web of Science中的“社会科学引文索引”(Social Sciences Citation Index,SSCI)数据库,以2000年至2020年发表的相关文章为样本,使用HistCite、CiteSpace和WOS自带的文献计量软件,梳理国际游戏化学习研究的动态与热点,发现21世纪以来国际上有关游戏化学习的研究成果不断增多,其中中国台湾的相关发文量和被引频次最高且研究机构最多;希腊的学者单篇研究成果的影响力最大。研究热点主要集中在游戏化学习的理论基础、学科应用、设计模式、表现形式以及效果呈现五个方面。基于此,得出教育理论对于游戏开发和设计具有重要指导作用,以及游戏化学习和学习过程游戏化有利于提高学习者学习兴趣和动机的结论。同时,发现“GBL+学科”和学习者隐私安全问题是游戏化学习研究关注的重点。


Research on International Game-Based Learning in the 21st Century:Based on the Analysis of WOS (2000-2020)

ZUO Jingjing and DUAN Xinxing

(School of public policy&management, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China)

Abstract:Game-based learning has aroused widespread attention. In future digital society, it will inevitably become an important means and key form of learning. Based on the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) database of Web of Science, this paper takes the related articles published from 2000 to 2020 as samples, and uses the bibliometric software of Hist Cite, cite space and WOS to sort out the trends and hotspots of international game-based learning research. It is found that since the 21st century, international research on game-based learning has been increasing, among which Chinese Taiwan has the highest number of papers and citations, and the largest number of research institutions; scholars from Greek are the most influential; the research hotspots mainly focuses on the theoretical basis, discipline application, design mode, form of expression and outcome presentation of game learning. Based on this, it is concluded that education theories are important in guiding game development and design, while game-based learning and gamification learning process is beneficial to learners’interest and motivation in learning. At the same time, “GBL+ discipline” and learner privacy security are suggested to draw more attention in game-based learning research.

Keywords:game-based learning; game design;GBL + discipline

下载:  21世纪国际游戏化学习研究.pdf

