郭 华
(北京师范大学 教育学部,北京 100875)
【摘 要】以义务教育课程标准的研制为范例,讨论了课程标准研制的一般依据与思路,介绍了课程标准文本框架的一般内容以及课程标准文本的写作目的及其实现方式,意在为高等教育各学科课程标准的研制提供参考。结合当下高校及基础教育阶段教学改革的问题,讨论了课程内容结构化背景下大单元教学的意义。
The Development and Implementation of Curriculum Standards
(Faculty of Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China)
Abstract:Taking the development of curriculum standards in compulsory education as an example, this article discusses general rationales and ideas for the development of curriculum standards, as well as the content of curriculum standards framework, the writing aims and implementation of the curriculum standards text. These provide a reference for curriculum standards development for various subjects in higher education. Combined with current issues of teaching reform in higher and basic education, this article discusses the significance of units teaching in the context of a structured curriculum content.
Keywords:curriculum standards; units teaching; teaching reform