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2022年第1期  点击:[]

周 晔 张刚要

(南京邮电大学 教育科学与技术学院,江苏 南京 210023)

【摘 要】随着深度学习算法突飞猛进的发展,人工智能技术开始走进教育,成为教育领域最为耀眼的新星。本文以教育技术学8种核心期刊2008年至2021年所刊载的“人工智能+教育”领域的研究论文为数据源,利用共词分析技术,借助聚类树状图和战略坐标图两种可视化形式进行分析,初步勾勒出我国“人工智能+教育”研究领域的现有框架,从而帮助教育工作者和研究人员更透彻地了解该研究领域的发展状况并为循证实践提供参考。


Visualization Analysis of “Artificial Intelligence + Education” Research Field in China: Based on Co-word Clustering Analysis and Strategic Diagram

ZHOU Ye and ZHANG Gangyao

(College of Education Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China )

Abstract:With the rapid development of deep learning algorithms, AI technology is merging with education and drawn increasingly attention. The data used in this paper are from the sample treatises in the field of “Artificial Intelligence + Education” published in eight core journals of Educational Technology in the past decade. Using co-word clustering analysis and strategic diagram, this paper outlines the existing framework of “Artificial Intelligence + Education” research field in China. Cluster tree diagram displays the research focus in the field of “Artificial Intelligence + Education”, and strategic diagram identifies the evolution trend and relationship model of each topic in the whole research field, in order to present a thorough comprehension of evolution tendency and to provide information for evidence-based practice to educators and researchers in this field.

Keywords:artificial intelligence + education; Co-word Clustering Analysis; strategic diagram

下载:  我国“人工智能+教育”领域的研究热点与演进趋势.pdf

