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2024年第4期  点击:[]

王 强 王 帅

(华中师范大学 教育学院,湖北 武汉 430079)

【摘 要】由计算机科技孕育出的数字人构想,逐渐在教育领域产生了深远影响。数字人教育应用通过工具性超越重塑了教育时空之维,以主体性复归开启了个性教育新篇,用虚实性交融构筑了互动教学新境。然而,数字人面临身份定位模糊、数据依赖过度和缺乏自由意志等诸多风险与挑战。数字人教育应用在厘定角色疆界、筑牢可用性评估基石的基础上,通过深化人机情感交融,由“造物”至“铸情”,进而重塑主体关系,以激发智慧教育新活力。通过这些努力,有望释放数字人教育应用的效能,进而推动整个教育领域的创新与进步。


From Humanoid to Symbiosis: A Reflection and Transcendence of Digital Humans in Educational Applications

WANG Qiang and WANG Shuai

(School of Education, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China)

Abstract: The concept of digital humans, born from computer technology, is increasingly having a profound impact on the educational field. Digital human applications in education transcend traditional temporal and spatial dimensions, reshaping the educational landscape through their tool-like capabilities. By emphasizing individuality, they herald a new era of personalized education and create a new dynamic for interactive teaching that blends virtual and real environments. However, digital humans face numerous risks and challenges, including ambiguous identity positioning, excessive data dependence, and lack of autonomy. By defining role boundaries and establishing robust usability evaluation foundations, digital human applications can deepen emotional integration between humans and machines, evolving from mere creation to emotional connection, thereby reshaping subject relationships and invigorating smart education. Through these efforts, the potential effectiveness of digital human applications in education is expected be realized, driving innovation and progress across the entire educational field.

Keywords: digital humans; educational applications; value dimensions; risk challenges; effectiveness realization

下载: 从类人到共生:数字人教育应用的审思与超越.pdf

