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高等教育领域促进学习进阶的微认证:内涵、要素设计 与应用策略

2024年第4期  点击:[]

单俊豪 刘 宇 邹 孜

(南京邮电大学 教育科学与技术学院,江苏 南京 210023)

【摘 要】微认证是高等教育领域促进学生适性成长的重要发展性和诊断性教育形式。深入剖析微认证的育人成效可发现,微认证的判定本位理念占据主导地位,其贯通性学习支持的价值潜能尚未显现。本研究以学习进阶作为学理基础,从课程能力、专业能力发展、终身学习发展三个层面探讨促进学习进阶的微认证价值内涵。同时,以目标精准化、任务场景化、认证反馈敏捷化、标准设计梯度化作为促进学习进阶的微认证设计原则,从微能力模型、证据模型、任务模型和评价标准四个核心要素出发提出微认证体系的设计策略。最后,从“教—学—评”一体化、校企认证互通以及终身学习体系构建三个方面探索促进学习进阶的微认证应用策略。


Micro-Certification for Learning Procession in Higher Education: Connotation, Element Design and Application Strategy

SHAN Junhao, LIU Yu and ZOU Zi

(School of Educational Science and Technology, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210023, China)

Abstract: Micro-certification is an important developmental and diagnostic education form in higher education to promote the development of students’ suitability. However, an in-depth analysis of the education effect of micro-certification shows that the evaluation-based concept of micro-certification is dominant, whereas its value potential in penetrating learning support has not yet been discovered.Based on learning progression, this article explores the value connotation of micro-certification in promoting learning progression from three aspects: course learning, professional ability development and life-long learning development. Meanwhile, it takes four design principles, namely goal precision, task scenarization, certification feedback agility, and standard design gradient to promote learning progression, carrying out the design strategies of micro-certification system from the four core elements: micro-capability model, evidence model, task model and evaluation standard. Finally, it explores the application strategy of micro-certification to promote learning progress from three aspects: teaching-learning-evaluation integration, university-enterprise certification interoperability and lifelong learning system construction.

Keywords: micro-certification; learning progression; higher education reform; lifelong learning; university students employability

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