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2024年第5期  点击:[]

(英)本·威廉森1 (美)亚历克斯·莫尔纳2 (美)费斯·博宁格2

(1.英国爱丁堡大学 数字教育研究中心,英国 爱丁堡 EH8 8AQ;2.美国科罗拉多大学博尔德分校国家教育政策中心,美国 科罗拉多博尔德 80309-0249)

肖俊洪 译

【摘 要】尽管缺乏完善的研究基础和监管保护措施,技术公司和相关政府部门依然在向学校推广人工智能(AI)应用。目前在学校采用未经监管的AI应用程序已给社会与个人的自主带来了严重威胁。多年以来学界不断地发出警告,技术的应用所造成的问题也非鲜见,AI时代之前的数字技术在学校的广泛使用产生诸多显而易见的风险,这些技术使决策变得不透明,导致学生数据被挪为他用。在缺乏有效的社会监管的情况下引进不透明和未经证明的AI系统和应用程序很可能使原有的问题变得更加严重。如果立法者和其他相关人士不拿出周密的想法和措施进行干预,以消除这些广泛存在的风险,则很可能出现各种危害。文章探讨了这种情况下可能出现的危害,呼吁学校领导在政策制定者尚未完全了解AI并出台保证AI在学校的应用受到社会有效监督和控制的政策之前暂缓推广AI应用程序。


Time for a Pause: Without Effective Public Oversight, AI in Schools Will Do More Harm than Good

Ben Williamson1, Alex Molnar2 and Faith Boninger2

(1.Centre for Research in Digital Education, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH8 8AQ, UK; 2. National Education Policy Center, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado 80309-0249, USA)

Abstract: Technology companies and political agencies are promoting the use of artificial intelligence in schools, despite an inadequate research base and lacking regulatory protections. The current adoption of unregulated AI applications in schools poses a grave danger to democratic civil society and to individual freedom and liberty. Years of warnings and precedents have highlighted the risks posed by the widespread use of pre-AI digital technologies in education, which have obscured decision-making and enabled student data exploitation.Without effective public oversight, the introduction of opaque and unproven AI systems and applications will likely exacerbate these problems. This article explores the harms likely if lawmakers and others do not step in with carefully considered measures to prevent these extensive risks. The authors urge school leaders to pause the adoption of AI applications until policymakers have had sufficient time to thoroughly educate themselves and develop legislation and policies ensuring effective public oversight and control of school applications.

Keywords: artificial intelligence; corporate school reform; EdTech; regulation; school commercialism

下载: 学校人工智能应用亟需有效的社会监督.pdf

