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2022年第1期  点击:[]

苑大勇 刘茹梦

(北京外国语大学 国际教育学院,北京 100089)

【摘 要】在联合国教科文组织等国际组织的大力推动下,学习型城市近年来已经成为世界范围内广泛认同的理念,对我国城市的发展也具有重要的指导意义。2021年10月,在新冠肺炎疫情仍全球范围内蔓延的背景下,由联合国教科文组织推动的第五届国际学习型城市大会在韩国仁川延寿成功召开,并通过了最新的指导性文件《延寿宣言》。联合国教科文组织通过召开国际会议、设置国际奖项、建设全球网络平台以及汇聚多方研究成果等方式有效推动了学习型城市建设并增强了自身的影响力。通过回顾学习型城市建设的发展历程,结合历届国际学习型城市大会及其通过的报告文本,本研究认为,在国际学习型城市建设中,包容与公平的价值取向、可持续发展原则以及终身学习的支柱地位等理念一脉相承;在此基础上,学习型城市在建设目标、参与建设的利益相关主体以及建设途径方面实现了创新。


From Beijing to Yeonsu: Inheritance and Innovation of UNESCO Learning City

YUAN Dayong and LIU Rumeng

(Graduate School of Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing 100089, China)

Abstract:With the promotion of UNESCO and other international organizations, Learning City has become a worldly recognized concept in recent years, which also guides the development of cities in China. In October 2021, under the background of COVID-19 global spread, the Fifth International Conference on Learning Cities, promoted by UNESCO, was successfully held in Yeonsu, Inchon, and the latest guiding document, “Yeonsu Declaration”, was adopted. This article analyzed the concept inheritance, practical innovation and UNESCO’s promotion strategies of learning city in recent years by reviewing the development process of learning city construction, combined with the previous international conferences on learning cities and their launched report texts. It was found that UNESCO has effectively promoted the construction of learning cities and enhanced its influence by holding international conferences, setting up international awards, building the global network platform and integrating research results. Besides, the values of inclusiveness and equity, the principle of sustainable development and the pillar status of lifelong learning could be traced to the same origin; innovations have been achieved in the construction objectives and approaches, as well as stakeholders involved in the construction process of learning cities.

Keywords:Learning Cities; UNESCO; lifelong learning; global education governance

下载:  从中国北京到韩国延寿:联合国教科文组织学习型城市的传承与创新.pdf

